<~Chapter 14 '°~.

Start from the beginning

"Just be patient. Everything will be fine." Maira assured.

This made Tony gone mad and grab Maira by the collar and yelled at her face: "Ya think I didn't know that?! I've been patient long enough! Why aren't you worrying about her?!"

Tony then got pulled back by the guards. Maira wiped off the spit that was on her face using a handkerchief and sighs.

"I can't say anything to that. Im sorry Edgar."

Tony widened his eyes at the sound of his name. His real name. Tony was just a cover up. His real name was Edgar. He hasn't use that name in a long time. Gave him a familiar feeling that he felt a long time ago.

|| The Cave
|| present, Camile pov

" Batman wants to meet you. Cmon." He lead the way. Instead of going through the hallway, we use the vent. How fancy is that? My first day in the cave and im already in the vents spying on superheroes. Yall see how many red flags waving around here?

We jumped down about a room before the the actual room that Batman's in. I can already sense his presence from the door. The aura is very dark. I don't like it. I hugged my sides as I goes in. Robin in front of me, doing the talking. Since I have nothing to do, I scan the room. This place looks neat. I began walking around the place and saw a button. I got curious and reach for it until a hand snatch my hand away and drag me towards Batman.

You see, im that type of person that can't stay still during when I am not needed formally. My cheeks went red in embarrassment as I let out a nervous laugh. I lowly say, "oops, sorry. I got curious"

Batman didn't say anything, he just stares at me. Analysing my face for any confirmation if im a threat or not. The tension was cut off by Robin's fake cough which brought him back to reality.

"She's here for a reason and Im in a hurry here." He tapped his foot on the ground impatiently, giving Batman his sassy attitude.

Sometimes, I question his respect towards Batman. I mean, did he get any scoldings or a lecture from him for disrespecting him like that? Robin seems to be having a slight grudge for Batman and I can see it.

I thanked Robin for saving me using my hand behind my back. I hope he saw it. "Im going to give you a quick briefing. Robin will take you outside and wait for a black Limo to arrive. Is there any questions?"

I went quiet for a moment then replied yes. "Is he okay?" I asked in concern.

He seems to know who im talking about and proceed to tell me: "He is no longer to be traced. He disappeared without a trace. He went missing. I'll let you know when he'll be back."

I inhaled sharply and exhale shakily. "But Im sure he'll be fine." Robin adds, steps forward next to me.

I hope you're right.

|| Outside/ at the telephone booth thingy
|| with Robin<3

We went out from the zeta tube and im not used to it. It's like you're teleporting to another area. "So you just wait here and don't go anywhere okay?" Robin said quickly. he is, in a hurry. I wonder why.

"Not planning to go anywhere.." I mumbled, rubbing my arms craving for warmth.

"Good." Just like that he disappears to nowhere and im here in the alley beside this teleporting thing alone. Let's just pray that nothing happens to me and hope the limo comes here faster.

About a minute later, I heard a light from the side of the road. I was scared to go out so peak my head from the telephone booth and a firgure with an umbrella coming my way. I readied myself and prepare a scenario in my head of how to put that guy on a headlock. I wait for a second or two until a British accent caught me off guard.

A butler. in the rain. with an umbrella on.

I looked at him in dumbstruck and say, "uhh are you the guy that drives the limo..??" pointing my finger towards the limo with flashy lights. Plus, I can't see him properly due to the brightness.

He looks old. and friendly. I like him already.

"Yes. Now please get in the car or you wouldn't freeze to death Miss Camile." he said politely.

I gasped and turned around to face him. He threw a warm smile at me. I covered my mouth and exclaimed, "Alfred? Is that you?"

I ran and hug him. He hugged back, lovingly. He walked me to the limo and we went to Wayne Manor.

In the car, we chatted as if we're long lost friends reunited with each other. I love Alfred with my whole heart. If anyone dares to hurt my Alfred,I will karate chop their heads.

"We're here."

oh boy.

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