▪︎<~Chapter 7~>▪︎

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Im gonna try and write this in a third person's view. Let's see if this writing style is better than first perspective.

Enjoy the chapter.

The brunette haired girl was squirming and throwing around like a fish caught in a net that was trying to get free into the ocean. But this was no ocean for her. It's an ocean full of deadly species of fishes. It's like she's the victim or the bait on the hook of the fishing rod,ready to be eaten by the fish.

The man behind her was trying his best to capture the girl for some reasons he needs to be done. Slowly,pulling a cloth that has been scented with a smell that could make the poor girl asleep.

Camile's instinct reacted fast enough to avoid getting kidnapped or captured. She stomped her foot to the man's right foot as he let out a yelp,letting the poor girl go.

She got out as fast as she can. Thoughts of 'how to get out of this situation' was running through her mind in a circle like a toy train. Her heartbeat was beating so fast as the adrenaline filled in.

Her breathing increases as she saw the man recovered-- panicking -- she look around for a weapon to protect herself.

If the dynamic duo can't save me. Then I will. I've been waiting for this after all.

Eyes searching like her life depends on it. This time,it really is. It was her only option. Search to find a way out. She saw a metal pole somewhere behind a trash can. She snatched it so quickly as if the kidnapper is going to grab her arm again. Or worse,do something to her.

Gripping it so firmly as she swayed the metal pole in a circle in fighting stance as if she'd learnt it ages ago. But in reality,she didn't attend to any of those self defense classes. Her instincts reacted and her brajn commands. As cliche as it sounds. This situation is what that'd be in a badass movie scene.

In fact,her wish came true. The poor girl just hoped she'll came out fine and alive after she manage to marmelize him.

The man growled as he charged towards her. "Come here,you!" Hands spread forward like a zombie needed a brain to eat for survival.

She backed away,unsure of what to do. Her inner self is panicking and screaming to her to do something instead of standing there waiting an accident to happen. Her grip loosens. As the man got closer,she acted quickly.

With just a small amount of determination and braveness. A hard swing to the head of the man's temple made him dizzy. Her eyes widen in shock of the action she just did. She panted.

She started to feel wet as her clothes are soaked. Rain. It's raining.

How dramatic is that?

She took this opportunity to run. Metal pole in hand. Just in case if she needs it.

One person who's after me? Quite easy.

Or,at least she thought. While she was running,she heard tires screeching down the road behind her as she took a sharp turn on the left. She felt like she's Lara Croft. Gotham's version. Instead of Yamatai tomb traps,she's being chased by a car.

There's a car screeching and that could only be one thing. There's more than one person who's after me!

Thoughts similar to that,running in her mind giving her anxiety of what could possibly happen to her. As she was running,she recognized the route. She slipped herself in an alleyway behind the stores. Rats running around searching for food in trash bags that were bitten by them.

She gagged and tried her best to not make a sound. She probably got the car lost. It was the shortcut when she was sent to delivered food sometimes. Who knows delivery job has it benefits.

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