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        Harry hated how bumpy the tour bus usually was, but hated it even more at this moment.         Currently, his hands were on both sides of his enormous seven month pregnant belly. Every jump, turn, twist, and stop added more pressure to his already aching belly. He let out a soft moan as the bus made a sharp turn causing the four babies he was holding to move in their home.         "No," he whispered quietly to himself as he could feel one already starting to move, "Please, no," he begged his unborn child. He knew if one woke up they would all wake up and he would never get rest.         What he wanted more than anything, though, was to get Louis, but his tired and aching pregnant body made the journey down the tour bus seem impossible.         Harry's band mates all graciously let him sleep on the big bed located in the end of the tour bus, while they slept on small beds in the middle of the RV. Harry was more than grateful, knowing that at his ginormous size he would never be able to fit in those beds. While his rather large bed was comfortable, it was also very lonely.         Especially on nights where he couldn't sleep due to the many pains his body was experiencing.         Harry had made the difficult decision to come and continue to tour with the boys when he first found out he was pregnant. They were all supportive and while it was hard to tell the fans why he had been gaining so much weight, their love and support for him and Louis always reminded Harry he had made the right decision. Despite his love for the fans, his pregnancy brain was catching up with him as he contemplated making the trek down the bus to wake Louis up.

A.N: OK, what does everyone think? Anyone interested in the continuation? This story will be told in flashback mode, btw. Please, leave feedback! I promise I will be sticking around this time, haha :)

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