Chapter 1

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"TSUNA!!" Giotto called out his brother, "Hieeeee!!! Coming!!! " Tsuna said but missed step at the stair make Tsuna fall from the stair. Giotto sweatdropped, he rush to Tsuna if he is okay.

"Are you okay? "Giotto asked, Tsuna nodded,"You better go to school before Kyoya bite you" Giotto said, Then Tsuna pale as he run to school with a dust.

Tsuna P. O. V

Hieeeee!!! I will get bite to death by Hibari-san!!! But first i need to act Dame as usual. i am actully not that dame.

Normal P. O. V

Tsuna rush to school as fast as he can. He don't wanna get bite to death like last time.Then he arrive the gate, "Harbivore you are late" Kyoya said as he hold his toufas. Tsuna pale 'Not again' Tsuna though.

"You are late again Harbivore,i bite you to death" Kyoya said as he about to attack Tsuna but stop by the bell.
"Hn. Your safe this this Harbivore but next time it will not" Kyoya said he put away his toufa and walk away.

Tsuna sigh in relief, then He rush to his classroom before the teacher came.

-Sawada persident-

Giotto was reading a book until a knock on the door, Giotto open the door, "Hn. Giotto" Alaude said, Giotto was suprise that his 'Boyfriend' is not working.

"Alaude what are you doing here and ain't you suppose to be working? " Giotto asked, "Hn. To see you and today is my day off so i wanted to see you" Alaude repiled, "Alaude come on in i will make you some tea" Giotto said as Alaude went inside.

-With Tsuna-

"Tenth~" Hayato call out, "Oh Hayato-kun do you need something" Tsuna asked, "Tenth you have been all the time is there something that is matter?", Hayato asked worried about his boss.

"you don't have to worried Hayato i am okay"Tsuna said with a smile, "If you say so Tenth"Hayato said gave up.

-With giotto-

"Alaude,are you sure your not sick? " Giotto ask while Alaude sleep at Giotto lap."Hn. don't worry i am fine and shut up let me sleep" Alaude said as he closes his eyes. Giotto just sigh,as he let the officer sleep in his lap.

T. B. C

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