A princess makes a friend

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Mary and Jake had walked a long way, when Mary stooped and said "Jake look, there's treasure on the floor."

There was a deep, rumbling noise from further on "Yes little human girl, it's MY treasure."

"Who are you?" Jake called

"My name is too hard for you to say, so you may call me Lucifer." The rumble said

"Can we meet you Lucifer?" Mary asked

"Come closer humans, you can meet me." Lucifer replied

The two friends kept walking, until Jake bumped into a rock.

"That hurt little human." Lucifer growled

"We're sorry, we can't see much." Mary said

As soon as she said that a very bright light shot up over their heads. Lucifer was lighting candles all around the cave with his dragon fire. The cave was very bright now, and Mary and Jake could see the heaps of treasure on the floor, they could also see a very big dragon.

"Who are you humans?" Lucifer asked

"I'm princess Mary of the South and this is my best friend Jake of the East." Mary answered

"Why have you come here?" Lucifer demanded

"To see if the stories of the great black dragon were true." Jake replied

"And what do you think of me?" Lucifer asked leaning his head down to look at them with his aqua eyes.

"I don't believe the stories that you're evil." Said Mary "I think you're just looking for a friend." She added with a smile.

"And who would be crazy enough to be friends with a dragon?" Lucifer laughed

"We'd be happy to have a new friend." Jake replied, his smile matching Mary's.

"Really!?" Lucifer sounded surprised

"Of course!" They both answered

Lucifer laughed long and loud and Mary decided the sound was a beautiful one.

Jake and Mary left the cave on Lucifer's back, headed for home with a brand new friend.

They all learned that day that the greatest friends can come from the strangest places.

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