A princess plays a prank

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The King and Queen were very happy since the day their baby girl had been born.

They had named her Mary, and as she got older she got more and more cheeky!

Mary was 8 now and her best friend was Jake, a prince Mary's age and they spent lots of time together.

One day Mary decided to play a prank on him.

So when he came outside to their tree house, she told him she'd heard a story about a dragon living in the forest.

Jake thought she was telling the truth, "I'm going to find it, and train it!' He told her.

"Be careful Jake." Mary told him.

Jake left the tree house and ran into the forest.

Mary giggled and followed him, without him knowing.

Once he was in a dark part of the forest she rustled the bushes she was hiding behind.

Jake turned around looking very scared.

"BOO!" Mary yelled jumping out at him.

"Ahhhhhh!" Jake screamed and fell over, then he started crying.

Mary walked over to him, "I'm sorry Jake." She said "I didn't mean to make you so scared." She sat down beside him. Jake looked over at her, tears on his cheeks. "That wasn't a nice thing to do Mary."

"I know Jake, I pinky promise not to prank you again." She said and smiled at him.

Jake wiped his tears and smiled back. "Ok Mary, I forgive you." He said.

"Race you home? She said.

"Sure!" Jake replied.

So off they ran.

Mary learned that day that pranks weren't very nice and never played another one again.

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