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Get up you fat ass and make me some breakfast and make me some breakfast "said the pack slut. I scrambled down the steps and was tripped from behind and I fell down the steps. I busted my lip and cut my eye. I felt a kick in my ribs and that was the last thing I remember before I blacked out. I woke up to a wet towel against my face and my best friend Alex before I blacked out again .
The next day I woke up in pain and got up and made the pack breakfast before they came down. I finished putting the food on the plants and ran up stairs or more like stumbled up stairs into my tiny bathroom. I got out and dressed in my favorite purple shirt
and mint skirt and black knee high boots. I got on my bike and ride to school . I just got off my bike and walked through the doors when I hit a wall wait scratch that a chest . I felt Sparks and smelled wood and cinnamon. My wolf kept chanting mate mate I looked up and saw the soon to be alpha. But all I heard were the words I rejected you. I ran out off the school and chanced into my wolf and ran till we got exhausted I shifted back and sat down. Crunch
I looked up and there was 3 big silver wolves and before I could say anything I was knocked out.

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