Gosh tagged!-__- by the great! @1137xyz

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You girl 1137xyz  ......okay later! Right now enjoy !:P

A- AIM IN LIFE- seriously? I have no freaking clue! :'D yeah but I wanna do photography for sure!

B- BOOKS YOU'RE READING- Currently not from Wattpad but m reading 50 shades of Grey by E.J James and M totally in love with Christian Grey

C- CHORE YOU HATE- I hate every chore -_____-
D- DESSERT YOU LOVE- Anything of chocolate! Gimme chocolates and I'll love forever! :P

E- ESSENTIAL START YOUR DAY ITEM- with mobile of course! This is every youngster's story! The ultimate truth! Lmao

F- FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK- no specifics! Keeps on changing like my crushes! Lol:'P but recent one is E.J James and you know why! ;)

G- GOLD OR SILVER- silver of course any freaking day! I hate gold arghhh!

H- HEART OR BRAIN- ummm.. both! Brain all the time, heart sometimes!

I- INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY- none! -__- but I love guitar and piano! I'll learn them someday! Hmm. Someday!  Lol

J- JOB TITLE- M jobless! Lmao M one unemployed citizen of India! And proud to be one! Lmfao..:'D

K- KID(S)- I HATE KIDS!!! can't handle them! -_____-

L- LIVING ARRANGEMENTS- with parents of course! Duhh!! -__-

M- MOST OVERUSED WORD/PHRASE IN YOUR VOCABULARY- all the bad words lmao! But umm if I have to pick one then... "lol" "lmao" and "fuck u"!! Yeah..fuck u! Lmao! :'D

N-NICKNAME(S)- many!! -__- M blessed with many nicknames! Which M not gonna mention here cos most of them are shitty as fuck! -_- and the credit goes to my friends! -_-

O- OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY OTHER THEN BIRTH- of course how can I forget this! We were gonna go to mount Abu and all from CLG and our bus met with an accident ! Major one! And my leg and my friends legs got hurt ..driver died later on and stuff and we were taken to the hospital and full night we were in hospital! But fun it was cos it was fucking cold and what a great experience ...but we couldn't go for the picnic -___-

P- PRIORITIES IN LIFE- parents and friends! I love them to death!

Q- QOUTES YOU LIKE- many!! And sarcastic ones specially ! But two quotes I follow and remember for now are


People with high ego and unnecessary attitude deserves standing ovasion of my tallest finger!;)

R- RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED-  right handed!!

S- SIBBLINGS- M all alone *fake sobs* !! Lmfao nah! M hell happy! :'P


U- UNIQUE THINGS ABOUT YOU- I am not gonna think that right now cos M fucking sleepy! But M an ordinary chick with loads of craziness inside!:P (does that count unique?-_-)

V- VEGETABLES YOU LOVE- I AM A HARD CORE NON VEGGIE!!! but I love 2,3 vegetables.. ladies finger and... ladies finger and ...ummm yeah ladies finger! Okay fuck!-_-

W- WORST HABIT- I panic a lot! Yeah I am short tempered!

X- X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD- is that even a question?! -__- no ex-rays !

Y- YUMMY FOOD YOU CAN MAKE- none! Well, I believe in eating food!! Lol oh but yeah ...I can make Maggi noodles *pats her back* B)

Z- ZODIAC SIGN- Proud cancerian !!!

Well this was it! For the first time I enjoyed this being tagged thing and yeah M gonna tag some ass of course sooo here they are-











C'mon you people! Upload soon:P

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