The Opera in the Outback Caper

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"He's not THAT good of an actor." Carmen says cutting through the tension in the room and receiving a handful of chuckles.

Carmen: Besides the look in his eye? I'm staring at another V.I.L.E. operative right now. It's Le Chevre, and he's brought some sort of shiny new toy.

She steals it from him.

Chevre: Ugh! Carmen?

Carmen: Do you mean me, or the opera?

"Gee I wonder." Player snorts.

He scurries toward her on the rafters.

Carmen: What have we here?

He launches at her, causing her to drop the device and nearly fall off the rafters. The device falls to a lower rafter. He goes to retrieve it while Carmen gets down safely. When he picks it up, he puts in earplugs.

Chevre: This will do.

"Oh I don't like the looks of this." Ivy says.

Carmen takes it. They fight for it. Ultimately, he grabs it and activates it, causing waves to be emitted. The soundboard and lights fizzle. The singer on stage finishes her aria, apparently unaware of anything happening.

"What exactly was that supposed to do?" Julia asks. Nobody has an answer for her.

Carmen: What was that all about? Player, I have no idea what I just heard, but it had to be a V.I.L.E. note.

Player: Good thing I was in record mode. Let's play it back and find out.

On a screen, Le Chevre hums a few notes from the aria.

Chevre: Phase one accomplished, Dr. Bellum. The seed has been planted.

Bellum: Superb. But skip the singing. You bleat like a goat. Oh, and did you happen to see my dear boy?

Chevre: El Topo? He is tunneling, according to plan.

"Are goat boy and El Topo a thing?" Zack asks.

"Uh... Uh... I have no idea." Gray says with a shrug.

Bellum: Not your dear boy. Mine. Crackle. Such a fine student. I shall never forget him.

Chevre: And he shall never remember us. [laughs]

Bellum: I would not make light, Le Chevre. Slip up on the job like he did, and I could be draining your brain-pan someday.

"That fear will ensure they do anything to accomplish their mission. A terrifying prospect, especially considering it is Miss. Sandiegos fault Gray ended up in that condition." Zari says. She seems oblivious to several glares sent her way.

Chevre: Uh... [clears throat] And on the topic of former students, a certain Carmen made a guest appearance at tonight's performance of Carmen.

Bellum: Then I do hope she had the opportunity to hear my remix.

Player's analysis is complete. A sound file is playing on his computer.

Bellum: Launch the Boomerang. Launch the Boomerang. Launch the Boomerang.

"I know its the outback, but what does VILE want with a boomerang?" Gray asks.

Carmen: It's Dr. Saira Bellum. Not exactly the voice of an angel.

Player: Concealed in the sound wave projected from Goat Boy's device. Most likely a subliminal message, designed to make the listener follow its command.

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