The Sticky Rice Caper

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"I must be, future me must believe him to be a victim of your thievery." Chase says.

Julia: Does it strike you as odd that Carmen Sandiego would harm an innocent bystander?

Chase: He is a witness. He saw her face. What more motive would she need?

Julia: Do you find it curious that he had no identification, not even a train ticket?

Chase: The Scarlet Outlaw clearly stole the poor man's wallet.

"Petty theft? Really? Unless he had something I needed or I had to find out his identity I wouldn't be picking pockets." Carmen says rolling her eyes.

Julia: That would certainly be a valid assumption...

Chase: Of course it would. Thank you.

Julia: But petty theft seems below the station of an acknowledged super-thief.

"Thank you Jules, please Inspector, listen to her." Carmen says.

Chase: Perhaps you should stop interrogating me and save the questioning for...

He opens the door. Gray is gone.

Chase: ...Our witness? Where did he disappear to?

Julia: According to the ledger, the subject was released.

Chase: What? By whose authority?

"VILE's I'm assuming." Tamara says.

"You would assume correctly." Shadowsan says. He refuses to look at the woman, he knew that face, he knew what she had done. He feared what would happen if Carmen found out how that woman was connected to her.

Gray: Ahh, chauffeured limo service. Sure beats trawling through sewer tunnels for a jailbreak, eh, mates? So, what's my next assignment? Secure the finest eclairs in Paris for Coach Brunt?

The Cleaners, who are driving, put a screen up so they can't hear him anymore. He knocks on it.

"Man I wish I could do that all the time. It looks satisfying." Carmen says.

"But then you would be deprived of my sultry voice." Gray says winking at her.

"Yeah wouldn't that be a tragedy." Carmen replies her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Cleaner: Extraction complete.

Maelstrom: Thank you, Cleaners, for mopping up this little spill. We have Crackle in our custody, Dr. Bellum. Shall we initiate standard debriefing protocol? ...Doctor, please, you spread yourself far too thin. Pick a screen.

Bellum: Professor Maelstrom, I happen to be laser-focused on a matter of grave urgency right now. Hmm... that's not it. Nope, not that either. Cute... Oh dear, where was that? Ah, here. Our intelligence indicates that the student formerly known as Black Sheep has departed from Paris and is currently en route to Java, where I maintain certain assets. Troubling news, considering the damage she inflicted upon our French hideaway last night.

"Assets... Oh god please tell me its not her instant rice!" Carmen says.

"What's so bad about instant rice?" Tamara asks.

"VILE brand instant rice, and vile does not even begim to describe the taste." Carmen says shuddering.

Maelstrom: The Red Rogue does seem on a tear lately. Fortunately, one of our finest operatives is currently stationed in the region.

Zack is driving Carmen and Ivy.

Zack: I haven't seen a single drive-through. I'm gonna faint from hunger, here!

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