Welcome to the Theater

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Carmen's P.O.V

I groaned as my senses came back to me, I don't remember falling asleep, I also don't remember being attacked. So what happened?

I sit up looking around only to notice people collapsed around me, I take a quick survey of my surroundings and realize we're in what appears to be a movie theater. Weird. A groan to my left draws my attention and I'm shocked to see Player laying next to me as well as Zack and Ivy. 

Further away I see that guy from Interpol and his partner, one of those mysterious agents and a woman in a suit I've never seen before. The biggest shock however was furthest from me was Crackle and Shadowsan, so consider me seriously confused.

"LA FEMME ROUGE!" I turn to see Interpol guy was awake and his shouting had roused everyone else. 

"What the..." I hear Zack mutter. There's shouting and confusion as everyone is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Just as Interpol is shouting about arresting me there's a flash of light and a girl is standing in front of the screen.

She's short with wavy blue and purple hair and is grinning like someone just told her Christmas came early.

"Okay everyone, I know this is all a bit confusing but I'm going to explain what is going on. I have assigned you all seats so please find your designated seat so we can begin." She says. 

"Why on earth would we listen to you?" Crackle asks defiantly.

"Because I brought you here and you can't leave until I say so that's why." She says. I look around and sure enough don't see any kind of doors or windows. With no other choice everyone takes a seat. Player, Zack, Ivy and I are sitting in the front. Crackle, Shadowsan, and the French woman from Interpol are behind us and everyone else is in the back row.

"Okay I want to get started so I'm going to rush through the explanation. My name is Sera and I'm an interdimensional being, long story short I can travel between worlds. In one of those worlds you all are characters in a tv show, so I thought it would be fun to bring you together and have you watch this show. The first two episodes have already happened and after that you will be viewing your future." Its quiet as we all take in what she said.

"How do we know you are telling the truth?" Interpol asks.

"You don't really, all I can say is that if you do believe bringing down VILE will be a lot easier, okay no more questions. Time is paused until you finish watching the show, the show won't start until everyone introduces themselves so get to it." In a flash of light Sera was gone. A tense silence descends so I decide to kick it off and get up facing everyone.

"My name is Carmen Sandiego." I say trying to avoid looking at Crackle or Shadowsan. I'm still not sure why they're here if Sera wants to take VILE down.

"I'm Zack, I work with Carmen."

"And I'm Zack's sister Ivy, who also works with Carmen."

"You can call me Player, I work with Red as well." 

"My name is Julia Argent, I am an agent with Interpol."

"Cra... Gray, call me Gray."

"Shadowsan." Julia and the folks in the back stare at him but he maintains his stoic expression, we move on.

"I am Chase Devineaux of Interpol." I catch him glaring at me and I guess he's still salty about France.

"My name is Tamara.... Fraser." The strange woman in the back says.

"I'm Zari, I work for her." The mystery woman says. Before anyone else can say anything the screen lights up and everyone settles in for the first episode.

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