Fourth year | Yule ball

Start from the beginning

"You said you were tired of waiting for me, so you don't have to anymore. Don't worry, the weight has been lifted off your shoulders." I stepped back, still upset with him.

Yes I was scared to be in a relationship...but isn't everyone the first time?

"By the way, Lucas invited me to visit him and his girlfriend, my cousin, whenever I wanted." I walked off, not bothering to see his reaction.



A few days later ~

In the following days, many girls were getting asked. I watched as Millicent was asked by Adrian, Blaise asked Iliana, and Aaron asked his friend from Gryffindor. A Durmstrang boy had asked me, but I turned him down. What really hurt was turning down a Beauxbatons boy, because he was really sweet about the rejection.

I no longer knew if I wanted to bother with going at this point. Malfoy would be there, seeing him with someone else would hurt. I've been the one distancing myself from him, but only because it seemed best for now.


Coming out of my daze, I saw Cedric. He sat beside me on the stone bench in the courtyard.

"Are you okay? You've been zoning out a lot and you look...distant." His face was mildly worried.

Meeting him this year was great, because he was another friend by my side. He was extremely nice and he was a great listener. In the little time I knew him, he was a good friend.

"I'm fine Cedric, just the ball is on my mind."

He looked unsure if he should speak, "Actually, I asked someone. Cho Chang, to be specific."

I smiled, Cedric had been wanting to ask her and the fact he plucked up the courage was great. I never really said more than a few words to Cho, but Leo didn't like her very much. Either way, I was happy for Cedric.

"That's great! I hope you two have a wonderful time." I pat his shoulder.

All of sudden, Blaise ran towards me, he jumped and brought me backwards to the grass too. Cedric stood up, checking to make sure we were okay.

"Ouch! Blaise what the bloody hell was that about?!"

"I'm so sorry! I should've asked you first, but I really wanted to go with Iliana!" Blaise cried.

I got up, dusting the grass off of my uniform. I looked over at Cedric, he was laughing at me and Blaise.

"Blaise, it's alright. I'm glad you asked Iliana, I know you really like her. Don't ditch her for me."

Blaise repeatedly shook his head, "You don't understand! Malfoy asked Parkinson!"

I felt my mouth go dry, trying hard to swallow what felt like my heart in my throat. Cedric looked at me, he knew it was his cue to leave.

"I'll see you later, Riddle."

I waved bye as Cedric made his way to the library. Turning to Blaise I frowned, breathing in and out to stay calm. Now it was my turn to be jealous, because Parkinson has liked him for years, now she has him.

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