Teenagers stream through the doors of Mystic Falls High School. It's Graduation Day. They all flock in crowds in matching maroon caps and gowns. How gross.

"Kol!" He turns at my call, smirking at me. I rush at him, spreading my arms to grip him tight. And as I embrace him, I whisper his name again. "Kol. Oh my god." I pull away and stare up at his face, placing my hands on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Hush now, Lil-Lil." He smiles at me. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I don't blame you for what the Gilberts did." My hands drop to my side as I look up to him, trying to determine if his words are sincere.

"Kol. I'm still sorry though. I should've done something more."

"There was nothing you could've done, Lily." I sigh at how calm he is and wrap my arms around him again. This time, his arms encircle me back.

"I'm still sorry. I-It hurt so much to see you...see you like that...and I-"

Kol runs his fingers through my hair as he presses me to his chest. "I know, Lily. I know. I saw you. I heard your sobs late that night." The reminder of Kol's death sparks a glassiness in my eyes. I squeeze them tight to banish it.

"And Klaus was so torn up...and..."

Kol shushes me as he rubs my back. "Hush, darling. Everything is alright, or at least it will be very soon." At his words and the anger they take on, I pull away from him. With wide eyes, I stare up at him.

"Kol, what do you mean by that?"

He only grins down at me, a chuckle falling out of his lips. "Just wait, Lil-Lil. This town and those annoying hooligans will finally get what's coming for them." A panic ignites in me at the seriousness of his tone. Shit. What is Kol planning? "I warned you not to let them wake Silas. I warned them all, and now, they're gonna pay for it."

"Kol," I drag his name out. "Kol, whatever you're planning-"

But he cuts me off. This time, he places a hand on my cheek. He levels our gazes. "Don't worry, Lily. You-you will be safe."

"My brothers, though...are they part of those you wish to punish?" The terror in my words must show as Kol retracts his hand and looks away. He avoids my gaze.

"I have to go."

He moves to step away. I grab onto his arm. "Wait, Kol," I plead, hoping to talk some sense into him. But Kol easily maneuvers his arm out of my grip, flashing me one last smile.

"I'm sorry, Lily."

And then he disappears.

I stare in the direction he rushed off in, unwilling to accept that I might just have placed my brothers and everyone else in danger. But before I can dwell on it for too long, my phone rings in my pocket.

Pulling it out, a blocked number appears on my screen. That's weird, who would I block? Although I would typically ignore a call from someone I obviously don't care about, something in my gut told me to answer.


"Lily, thank god you answered! We need your help!"

"Elena?" I ask in response. It all makes sense now.

"Yes," she breathes. "Yes, it's me."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Look, Lily, I don't have time for you to remark about how much you dislike me right now. There's been an emergency."

I roll my eyes at her stressed-out tone. "Fine. What's up?"

Secrets of a Salvatore SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang