Chapter 3 - High School Drama...

Start from the beginning

"Not like anyone cares" Mari said with a roll of her eyes and popped a bubble from her gum

"How dare you. I am Chloe Bourgeois and my father is the mayor of this city. Now you losers get out of my chair before he calls the police"

"Yeah right, and what will they do, throw me in jail. Please dont make me laugh, I've had way much worse"

"Hey wardrobe malfunction, you haven't answered my question. Why do you want to sit there?" Kagami asked, glaring at her dead in the eye and some people snickered

"Ugh! If you really want to know my Adrien is arriving today and will seat here in front of me, now stop bothering me and leave"

"Who the hell is Adrien?" Mari asked, causing the two nuisances to laugh

"Ha! She doesn't even know who Adrien is. Ha-ha, what rock have you been living under?" Chloe laughed, and everybody rolled their eyes.

"He's a very famous model" Sabrina told them

"And I'm his best friend and he adores me, now move from my seat"

Mari just answered them by looking at them dead in the eye and popping another gum bubble then continued ignoring them. Chloe flinched for a second then glared and continued yelling.

"Ah jeez is there a mute button on this mannequin?! Look I don't give a damn who you or what's his name is. I. DONT. FUCKING. CARE. So you better leave us alone before I do something we'll all regret" Mari said, glaring at them and the rest of the class snickered.

Chloe looked a bit scared but covered it up and resorted to pulling the bluenette out of the chair. The teacher entered to witness Chloe trying to pull her off the chair and Mari was calmly resisting, hiding her anger.

"That's enough Chloe! Marinette, Alya, why don't you seat here in front" Ms. Bustier told them and they stopped, Chloe with a victorious smirk and Marinette with a look of disbelief.

She replaced it with a scowl and grabbed her bag and glared at the blond before sitting down beside Alya as the lesson began.



"Arrgh I can't believe that brat was able to get away with what she wanted! Is that how it is around here?!" Mari frowned and crossed her arms. She and the gang were sitting at the cafeteria with Nino, Alya and some of their classmates.

"Yeah, and no one can stand up to her. She just abuses her dad's powers and is a rich spoilt brat" Alya answered her and the rest nodded

"Well someone's got to teach her manners. And that what's his name guy didn't even show up!!" she huffed as Juleka calmed her down.

"Okay you really need to calm down Mari, don't do something you'll regret. We just moved here" Juleka said and she relaxed a bit and the bell went off in the halls. The rest of her classmates trotted to class but Mari, her gang and Alya stayed behind to help her calm down. She ended up punching the wall and leaving a dent as an excuse to calm down as Alya stared, totally shocked but shrugged it off. They made their way to class and were greeted with a disgusting sight.

"Hey you, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Mari yelled at the blond boy and the two nuisances laughed their heads off.

"I was just trying to get it off. I swear!" he said in defense as the blue-eyed rebel and her gang stared daggers into him. In their opinion they got in and saw the guy at her seat, with a piece of gum on Mari's side.

"I see now, you're one of that mannequin's buddies, what's his name or whatever. That is totally disgusting, even for me!" Mari scrunched her nose and placed a piece of paper on the revolting sticky substance and took her seat, after sending him an eye piercing glare to which he shuddered slightly and took his seat beside Nino.

"Dude why didn't you just tell her it was Chloe who put it?" Nino asked the downfallen Adrien

"I've known Chloe since we were kids, I can't just throw her under the bus like that. Besides she's like my only friend" he answered

"Well it's time you made some new friends dude. I'm Nino" the tan boy stretched out his hand for a shake and the boy accepted with a smile



After School

"Okay class that's all for today. Don't forget to read pages 10-12 of your books!" Ms. Bustier told the exiting students and they all nodded, well some of them. Mari was about leaving with her friends when Adrien tried to talk to her again

"Hey please wait up, I need to talk to you!" He shouted at the blunette who just narrowed her eyes at him, then Luka stepped in front of her

"Look just cause some of us didn't say anything earlier doesn't mean we don't care. We dont ever want to see you near our melody and we don't care who you are or what you can do. Now please leave us alone". He told to the boy as they all got on their rides and sped off towards the distance. He just sighed sadly and made his way to the waiting limo.

He got in and recalled what happened before the girl entered the class.

"Adrien can I have your autograph?"

"Please will you take a selfie with me?"

"I love you Adrien!"

Those were the voices of his fans until Chloe shooed them away and showed him his seat

"Ooh Adrikins I saved you a seat right in front of me. Come on!"

"Thanks Chloe" he took his seat next to a tan boy with glasses and headphones.

"Hi I'm Adrien" he tried to introduce himself but the boy just stared at him

"So you're one of Chloe's buddies" He stated and the both looked towards the direction of the blonde who gave a piece of chewed gum to Sabrina, who then put it on the seat.

"Hey what's that all about?"

"Oh my sweet Adrikins, you still have a lot to learn about high school life. So just sit back and learn from the master, as for that I wanna teach a lesson to a certain girl with attitude"

"But that's rude, and disgusting!" he said and tried to take it off as the other blonde shrugged and took her seat, waiting for the show.

Seconds later he heard someone shouting at him

"Hey you, what the hell do you think youre doing?!" the voice yelled and he was met face to face with the most beautiful bluebell eyes, which unfortunately were now glaring at him along with some others.

"I was just trying to take it off. I swear!" he defended as Chloe and Sabrina laughed their heads off and she glanced at them then back to him

"Oh I see, you're one of that mannequin's buddies, what's his name or whatever. That's totally disgusting, even for me!" she scrunched her nose in disgust and placed a piece of paper on the gum before taking he seat. She sent him a glare, along with her friends which he wouldn't admit he was slightly scared off but just covered it with a sad impression and took his seat.

"Dude why didn't you just tell her it was Chloe who put it?"

"I've known Chloe since we were kids, I can't just throw her under the bus like that. Besides she's like my only friend"

"Well it's time you made some new friends dude. I'm Nino" the boy stretched out his hand for a shake


The rest of the class she refused to look in his direction and it hurt him that just the first day of school, someone he didnt know, and probably didnt know him either was mad at him for something he didnt do.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he approached his fencing class. Just to get things over with.


Hope y'all enjoyed it!

Sorry for any errors

I got nothing else to say except pls vote, comment and share

So byeee ;)

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