6. meeting the new boy

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Lauren above

Annie POV

I turned around and started talking with Indiana, Mads and Riley while the others talked about random stuff.
Me: so how was your mornings
Indi: terrible u know I ain't no morning person.
Mads: LOL Indi started chasing me and Riley around cause we poured water on her to wake her up.
Riley: OMG yeh it was so funny.
Me: hahahaha lol that sounds funny I wish I could've witnessed it.
Mads: errrr Annie the people who were with Lauren's brother and asher's brother are coming up to us. I think the one who was staring at you is the leader.
Me: kk thx Mads
I turned around and came face to face with the leader. I looked back at lauren who mouthed Hayden. I nodded and guessed that that was his name. I looked back and noticed that he was staring at me.
Me:do you need anything or are you going to just stand there and stare at me.Then Johnny spoke up
Johnny: sorry about him I was just wondering what you two's names were.
Then lauren and Asher said
Asher + Lauren:WOW you've forgot us already I mean we shouldn't be surprised that you forgot us it was always going to happen wasn't it Johnny.
Then Johnny said
Johnny:SIS I missed you so much
and Max shouted
Max: LIL BRO I missed you.
But then they responded with
Asher + Lauren: yeh sure you did just leave us alone.
Then Indi said said
Indi: Annie it's a BITCH ALERT. 
This meant that the queen bee or the blood suckers where coming so I said
and Indi said
Indi: just turning the corner.
Then I said
I: both groups or just one"
and Indi said indi:both."
Then I asked
Me:where are Carson and Bryce.
Then indi said
Indi:right there
then the said
Me:great, just great three groups to fight of.
Then I looked at the Hayden's gang and said
Me: can you lot just fuck off.
Then turned around and said
Me: thanks Indiana.

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