part 4 - introductions

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Koemi's POV

"Hey.." I hear someone say. I turn around, and sure enough, the boy that has shown up in my thoughts the past week is standing in front of me. He was wearing his practice clothes.

Damn, he looks good.

Even though he was short, I still needed to look up to talk to him. He had a lean but muscular build, and you could tell that he exercised often.

"Are you done checking me out?" I snap out of my thoughts as I hear him say. "I'm Nishinoya Yuu, but obviously you're more interested in looking at me than talking to me." Nishinoya holds out his hand.

My eyes widen and my whole face gets as red as a tomato. Usually I'm not one to be shy in conversations, but his sudden boost of confidence caught me off guard.

"Kanemoto Koemi" I say quickly, as I go to shake his hand.

Once our hands touch, I feel my heart racing. His hand is soft and warm, making me want to keep my hand in his. When we both pulled away, I immediately missed the warmth of his hand on mine.

I ask him where the counselors office is, almost forgetting that's why I was here in the first place.

"Oh, I can show you." He replies.

"Won't your team be looking for you?"

"Ehh, it's okay. They definitely won't do as good without me, but I'm sure they can manage."

I laugh at his cockiness, and look back up into his eyes and smile. He shyly smiles back, and looks away. I give a light giggle.

"Where'd all that confidence go, huh?" I ask him, while bumping my shoulder into him.

"Well...uh..." He looks to the floor, trying to think of the right words to say. "You seem pretty cool, Kanemoto-san" He says to me, looking back in my eyes. I give a huge grin, and reply,

"No need for that formal stuff, you can just call me Koemi."

We continue to chat, until we reach the counselors office.

"Thanks for the help." I say. Nishinoya gives a small nod. He looks like he's going to say something else, so I stay in front of him.

"M-Maybe I could..u-uh get your um..." He trails off and looks at my phone, which was in my pocket.

Oh, he wants my number


I take out my crumpled up map and tear a piece off. I look around for something to write with, and spot a pencil on the floor. I grab it and write down my phone number on the paper. I hand it to him, and start walking into the counselors office.

I open the door, and before I walk in, I glance back.

"Call me" I tell him, with a small wink and a smile. As I turn back around, I see his blushing face out of the corner of my eye.


Later that evening...

3rd person

While Koemi was doing her last minute preparations for her first day at her new highschool, she hears her phone buzz. It's an unfamiliar number, but she had a guess as to who it was.

( a/n: this is meant to be text messages LOL pls ignore the bad formatting)

1:07 am

Guess whooo ;)

Some creepy guy who got my number?

It's Nishinoya, silly

Same thing :)

Ouch, that one hurt, Koemi

Awww, I'm sorry, did I hurt your feewings?

Har har, very funny

They continue to talk until around 3 in the morning, both of them smiling so big their jaws hurt. When they realize that they have school in the morning, they say goodnight.

It's pretty late, we should probably sleep.

Good idea. I'll see you tomorrow :)

Sweet dreams, Nishinoya :)

Goodnight, beautiful.

Koemi fell asleep easier that night, knowing that a certain boy thought she was beautiful.



671 words

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