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Y/N's POV:

Isabelle was on my lap and Jaden's arm was on the back of my chair as he takes to... I want to say his name is, Bryce? I was talking to these three amazing men. Josh, Chase and Thomas. They're super nice.
Ch:"I'm surprised your not her mom"
(Ch- Chase, J- Josh and T- Thomas)
J:"Me too you look like her mom. You have the mom look"
I laughed a bit
Y:"As much as I would love to be a mom this isn't my daughter and I don't think Liam would like that either"
T:"Who's Liam?"
Y:"My uhmm, my... I need to go"
I said getting up and giving Isabelle to Jaden. He looked at me confused as I ran to the bathroom. I locked myself in a bathroom stall crying. A few minutes later I could hear some soft foot steps.
It was Charli.
Y:"I'm ok just go and enjoy your dinner. I'll be fine"
I said sobbing between almost every word.
C:"Y/n... Your not ok... Just open the stall and we can talk... I won't judge nor will I tell anyone without your consent"
I unlock the stall and walk out. I fall against the wall and slide down. I sit with my knees up and my arms around them.
Y:"You promise you won't tell anybody? Because if he find out he'll hurt me more"
C:"I promise just talk to me, ok?"
I nodded
Y:"Liam... He's this guy I'm dating. He hurts me... Bad but I can't do anything. I tried to leave but he broke two of my ribs and my collarbone... He does these things to me without my permission... He doesn't care about how I feel. He just keeps hurting me. It's no like he says sorry or anything. He just hurts me passed out on the couch and then repeats it the next day"
C:"Y/n... I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this"
She said pulling in for a hug. I hug back and get up. I fix my makeup and turn back to Charli. 
Y:"Your the first person I've ever told"
C:"Its ok y/n... But you should tell someone. I won't but you should"
Y:"I can't he'll find me and... He'll hurt me more, if that's humanly possible"

Jaden's POV:

Y/n had been gone for about 5 minutes. Charli went after her about 2 minutes ago but I still got worried. So I gave Isabelle to Bryce and excused myself from the table. I walked to the bathroom where she was. I could hear her talking to Charli.
Y:"*Says everything from beginning to end*"
I had tears in my eyes when I heard what happened to her. How can someone do that to a girl as perfect as her. I heard footsteps coming towards the door but I was too shocked to move. I stood there with a tear in my eye as she opened the door. When her eyes meet mine she looked so scared. Why? Did she think I was going to hurt her too?
Y: "Please don't tell anyone"
She begged me.
J:"I won't... Come here"
I pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back and started to sob a little.
J:"I'm so so sorry y/n"
Y:"It's ok"
J:"No it's not you shouldn't have to go through that"
I said clam trying not to scare her anymore then she already is.
Y:"It's not like I can stop it"
J:"Well I can"
Y:"No you have a girlfriend and a perfect daughter. Don't ruin your life for me I'll be fine as long as he don't find me"
J:"And what if he does? When happens then?"
Y:"you leave the apartment with Isabelle. Leave me there he'll hurt me then he'll take me back home"
J:"And do what? Hurt you some more"
Y:"Probably just keep Isabelle safe from him when he comes for me"
J:"No this is bullshit. I'm not going to let you go back with him or even be alone with him for 2 seconds"
Y:"You have a girlfriend waiting for you at home. What would she think about this"
J:"I don't give a fuck about her. It's not like she gives a fuck about me"
I said whispering the last part.
Y:"What was that?"
J:"Nothing- I'll explain it to you some day... I'm just not ready for you to see me in a different way yet"
Y:"I'm sure it's not as bad as mine"

This was a deep chapter but anyways sorry it took so long to do this one I have just been caught up w shit so Yh hope you all like it🥰

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