Bleeding Rose (Shu Itsuki)

Start from the beginning

Why? Why on earth was I coughing up the petals of a flower, more specifically the petals of a rose? It was terrifying.

No one I knew in my family had the same problem as me, this was something new, I didn't know what was happening to me.

Once I managed to calm down and fix my appearance to be presentable I walked back to the arts and crafts room.

I walked in to find Shu at his desk, working on something as usual and Mika sitting on one of the many chairs in the room. I went over and sat next to him, he gently rubbed my back and asked if I was alright, I lied that I was. He looked like he wanted to say more but he refrained, maybe he could tell....

Being close to Shu, that's all I ever wanted...right? At some point I craved more, I wanted him to really see me, not just as his mannequin but as a human. I wanted to be loved, for I loved him but I doubted he felt the same way. He stole my heart while I wasn't looking.

It wasn't easy to get along with him at first, the occasional spools of thread being thrown, some accidentally hitting me. His sharp words, like knives cut through me, but soon I realized he was still scarred from what happened last year. Nii-chan told me what had gone down the previous year, I could tell The War still hurt anyone who was involved. He was trying his best to fully recover, but I wanted to be there for him. Unfortunately I wasn't seen as truly human by him, so was it even possible for me to dream of such things?

The three of us worked into the evening. I wrote song and costume ideas for various units, while Mika and Shu focused on sewing only they knew what. I looked down in my sketchbook, I wanted to present the ideas to him, but I wasn't ever sure if they were good enough. Mika had seen them, he assured me that they were alright but I still couldn't find it in myself to show them.

Soon enough we all began to pack up and get ready to retire for the night. I was about to leave after Shu, since the three of us tended to go home together but Mika grabbed my arm, holding me back.

"(Y/N)... I don't want to pry but I know yer are hidin' somethin' from me... don't tell me if yer not comfortable, afterall I'm not the best with emotions...." His colorful eyes looked at me with concern.

"M-Mika-kun...." I felt warm tears well up, I put my arms around Mika hugging him. He tentatively put his arms around me in an attempt to comfort me. I pulled away a bit so I could speak clearly, "I- I've been coughing up flowers...."

"Ya what?!" He exclaimed in alarm. "I have a bad feeling about this...."

On cue I coughed, a few rose petals fluttered out of my mouth, I caught one and held it up for Mika to see. "It's a real rose petal. I used to cough up blood before, but now a lot of it is replaced by these. It seems like it started today after the dress situation."

Before Mika could reply, our phones buzzed, I turned it on to find a message from Shu in the group chat between Valkyrie and I.


Honestly how long are you going

to make me wait out here?!


I have some work to finish

so go on without me Oshi-san!


I have to finish some research for

a project so I'll be staying

behind as well.

Sorry for not letting you know

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