Ch@pter 2: August

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"Nah he don't know how to dance any way he all about looks and the whole time I was with him he talked about himself the whole time? But I'm So glad you took me away from him." She laughed.

Just when I was about to reply the beat to "You Deserve" came on and August started talking.

"I would like to dedicate this song to a beautiful lady in this club tonight and she know who she is so come on up on the stage!" He looked me dead in the eyes and smiled again.

"So now I would be getting back to his once you wanna leave me lonely miss thank!" She winked at me.

I blushed and made my way to the steps that led to the stage and bumped into some chick and almost fell because of these heels I'm wearing.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!"

"Naah hoe don't be sorry be careful!" I spat.

I know y'all like damn girl chill it was an accident well I don't like it when people get in my way and besides the bitch had a fake ass sorry look on her face. That ugly ass milk dud lookin ass bitch better be glad I didn't fuck her shit up.

After I said what I said the chick turned around and stomped her way over to her friends. I continued making my way up the stairs and walked up to August with my head down partially because I was some what shy now and mainly because I didn't want him to see how angry I looked.

"DJ start that beat back!" The beat started again.

"This is for the girl down the hall, misused and abused, yeah, yeah yeah!"

"Pick ya head up love, smile this is for you!" He lifted up my head.

Girl I know sometimes that I mistreat you, and you still come back
And I see your homegirls try to reach you, but you ain't hearing none of that
They try to get through, they say I ain't the move
I don't know, cause girl it might be true
When they tell you, you should walk away but you stay anyway

Throughout the whole performance he kept his eyes on me and I kept my eyes on him. Sometimes he would catch me blushing and smile, he would hold my hand and hug me and hold me while singing his heart out and I loved every second of it.

"That was beautiful!" I hugged him.

"So are you." He bit his lip.

"That was corny but thanks for having me up there." I blushed.

"I enjoyed every second with you up there with me." He hugged me.

"I never thought in a million years I would be sitting here with August Alsina." I smiled looking at his lips.

"I just wanna kiss'em!" I thought.

"Ma you aight? This your third time starin a nigga down." He smirked.

"I was just thinking of something." I blushed putting my head down.

"Nah ma don't do that." He said sternly.

"Do what?"

"Put ya head down, I think its cute when you blush." He lifted my head once again.

I smiled staring into his eyes as he stared back into mine with that oh so beautiful smile of his. Since we were right next to each other it was pretty noticeable to him that I was staring at his lips pretty much the entire time. I guess he seen me staring at his lips because he smirked and wrapped his arms around me and leaned in. Just when we were like an inch away from each other my phone went off telling me Lili was calling me.

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