Chapter 2 - Starting New Friendships & Continuing Others

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The next day, I went to the cooking classroom a little bit earlier than usual because my friend Ichiro would come by for dinner about thirty minutes after Konoe came to get the recipe. Ichiro is a really close friend of mine who is a year younger than me that I've made here. He isn't the smartest but he is a top tier athlete and a great guy. Me and him occasionally come meet up in the cooking classroom and I make us some dinner. And today, I'm planning to make us some beef stroganoff, a russian dish that is chunks of beef and mushrooms in gravy with sour cream mixed in that is then placed on a bed of noodles.

Once I got into the cooking classroom I diced a cheap steak I bought when I decided to make this. I then diced an onion and put in some minced garlic in a pot and began to saute them in some butter . Because I didn't need to pay constant attention to that I put my cubes of steak in a bag with a cup of flour and shook it until all the steak was covered in flour. Once the onions were translucent I added the steak to the pot and let it brown. Once that was done I added some cream of chicken soup and chicken broth. They aren't homemade but I haven't made chicken soup in a while otherwise I would have saved that stuff. I then sat down at the table and waited for it to thicken up more. Planning to stir it occasionally.

About half an hour later, I heard the door to the room open. I turned around and saw Konoe.

"Hey Konoe, how are you?" I said

"I'm doing good."Konoe said with a gentle smile.

I pulled out the recipe and said "So I take it you like cooking?"

"Yeah, I make dinner for me and my sister. I also used to make her lunch too but she wants to be more independent so now I only make mine." Konoe answered.

"I see. In that case, could we hang out sometime? I don't really have someone I can talk to about that stuff and I thought it could be fun to talk about it with you."

"Sure, that sounds like a lot of fun." Konoe said.

We then traded contact information and talked for a bit before she had to go make dinner for her sister.

Once she left, I went back to work on dinner. I sliced some mushrooms then put them to boil for a bit. Once they had boiled enough, I strained them and sauted the mushroom in a pan with butter. I then pulled out another pot and poured water into it and started to boil it.

By the time the water started to boil and I added the noodles to the water, I heard another person enter the room. I turned to see a tall man with bleached blond hair with a pretty neutral expression on his face.

"Sup Ichiro." I said while stirring the stroganoff in the pot.

Ichiro's face then grew to a grin and said "Hey man, besides bringing me that thing you made I didn't see you yesterday. Where were you?"

"I went to a store nearby to grab ingredients for dinner." I answered

"So what is dinner?" Ichiro asked.

"Beef stroganoff," I said "I figured that I haven't made this for us for a while and it sounded really good, so I made some."

"Awesome, I can't wait! Dude, the stuff you make is better than a lot of stuff at the cafeteria." Ichiro said.

"That's because they have to make food for so many students, they can't focus super heavily on quality." I answered.

"Oh okay, when will it be done?"

"Give me fifteen minutes then I'll have it on a plate."

I then sat down and talked to Ichiro and occasionally checked the noodles and once they were almost done, I added sour cream to the stroganoff. Once it mixed completely in I added some salt, pepper, and some parsley for color. I strained the noodles, put some on two plates and then poured the stroganoff on top.

"Here you go man," I said, placing the plate in front of Ichiro.

Between bites, me and Ichiro made some small talk and once we were done I cleaned up the kitchen and as we walked to the dorms I said "Oh hey Ichiro, yesterday these girls came by to try what I made and I'm ninety percent sure they were a part of the school's idol group you like so much."

"Really!? What were their names?" Ichiro said with a curious look on his face

"Ai Miyashita and Kanata Konoe, I actually gave the recipe to Konoe and we agreed to hang out sometime since we both like cooking."

"Dude! They are a part of Nijigasaki's Idol Club! It's so cool that you met them and are even going to hang out with one!" Ichiro said excitedly. He then grabbed me by the shoulders and said "Dude, they have a live this weekend! You should go with me!"

If Konoe is gonna perform I'd really like to support her so I agreed. The rest of the way back to our dorms, Ichiro was pretty hyped and a bit too loud.


A/n: I felt like writing today so this week your getting this extra chapter. I'll still release a oneshot tomorrow and another chapter of this on Friday so this coming out early won't effect anything. Also I'll be honest, Ichiro is heavily inspired by my favorite dope from a manga I've been rereading.

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