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Hawks P.O.V

I open the door and Rei is sleeping half way through the class, I kiss her forehead and her eyes flutter open.

"This is so boring" I look around and my house is spotless, "clean freak much?" She chuckles and throws a pen on the floor. "There, it's dirty"

"We have to go soon, how are they in there" she stabs her book repeatedly and turns around, "EVERYTHING HURTS!" I laugh and she groans yelling at the screen.

"Wedding is next week, you might want to tell everyone before they get mad for looking stupid and not knowing you were pregnant"

"Isn't the wedding rehearsal today as well? We'll do it today I guess"

"You're doing that thing where you look like you're about to pull a disappearing act, everyone's been asking why you don't answer the phone or text back"

"School and all, plus I freaked out, I just suddenly blew up after 22 weeks and now we're at week 30 and I am panicking"

"They'll tough it out and bake in there until the due date, we have to hurry"

She submits her assignment before getting ready, she walks out in a dress coat and I clap my hands, she makes hiding twins look like a breeze, it's a bold fashion choice she's rocking right now.

The hand bag is over kill but it does the job, "I'll only tell the people I know will kill us if they don't find out, but my wedding dress hides it well so I'm not all that worried, I already told my parents and Kazan anyone else I don't think needs to know"

"Your sister?"

"She couldn't keep her mouth shut to save her own life no way" I hope my twins are nothing like these two

We get in the car and drive to Asahi's I can't go in with her so I have to wait in the car. I fall asleep and wake up when there's a knock on the window. I unlock the car and drive to the wedding rehearsal.

Ava seriously went overboard but the guest list is short the wedding will be short and it's in a very secret location even I don't know where it is, I'll find out when the car comes to get me.

Pros never go public about their personal relationships and even weddings, but we're trying to draw their attention from one thing to another, plus it's expected of me to go over board, apparently, so I'm just going with the flow.

I walk with Rei after the rehearsal, the paparazzi swarm us and Rei isn't hiding behind me like usual. I watch her adjust her hand back and chat casually, moving her free hand around and posing for a photo.

"Rumors are you might be pregnant"

"Oh yeah?" Just like that she shifts the conversation to her twin sister, "we have to go could you excuse us?" I look at Rei and she waves everyone off as we walk away.

"You really want to hide them huh!"

"It's for you and them, cant have my boys getting targeted" she locks our arms together and my wings instinctively cover her up. I'm actually proud of the way she handled herself over there.

"I told Tokoyami by the way" she nods and smirks, "I told him first" my eyes widen and she laughs at me.

"Can we make a list of who we told?"

"I only told the people that won't say shit and won't embarrass me"

For some reason we walked to the mall and not the car. I brush it off as Rei gets something to eat before walking to the pharmacy. The woman over the counter eyes the list and looks at me.

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