Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and a head leans onto my shoulder

"Oh nah" I remove the hands and turn around. Quan stares at me with a confused face

"I can't hug you but you could kiss me yesterday? Wow"

This dumbass think I'm Tori. WAIT- HE AND TORI KISSED?!?!?

"Tori why the fuck you aint tell me bout this shit" I look towards her. As soon as he hears me say her name he looks at me closer and cusses under his breath

"About what" she looks at me and then at Quan

"Bissou avec Quan hier et ne ma pas dit?" 
You kissed Quan yesterday and aint tell me?

Her eyes bug as her cheeks turn a rosy red

"Qui t'as dit ça" she climbs down the ladder and walks to me
Who told you that

"Quan pensait que j'étais toi et a essayé de me donner un câlin. Je l'ai repoussé et il est devenu confus et a ensuite dit 'Vous ne pouvez pas me donner  un câlin mais mais m'a fais bissoux hier'. Pourquoi tu ne m'as pas dit??" 
Quan thought I was you. He tried to give me a hug and I pushed him off and then he gave a confused look and said 'u can't gimme a hug but was kissing me yesterdauy'? Why didn't u tell me?

"Hier soire t'etais fatigue et puis ce matin t'etais encore fatigue et ons etait concentre sur la maison aujourd'hui. Pas le bon moment"
Last night you were tired and this morning you were tired again and today we were so concentrated on the house.  There just was never a good time to tell u

"Mais tu l'aime bien, oui?"
So you like him?

"Bien sure, il est tres mignon et vraiment gentille" 
He's sweet, pretty cute too

"Il est ton petit copain"
That's yo boyfriend? 

"Non, je veut mieux connaitre avant d'etre officiel"
Nah, I wanna get to know him first

"Mm, I see"

"Ay, what the hell yall talking bout get to work" Don shouts

"I wanna know what they was talking bout, I heard my name in there" Quan nudges me

"I'll tell u later" Tori smiles before continuing her work


We were up till like 1am getting all the walls painted and we still havn't done the upstairs rooms and bathrooms. Tori and Lia decided to let the boys stay over, against council to let them drive home. But it's fine I guess. Lia was sleeping with Eli, Quan with Tori, Don with Rory, and I was stuck with Melo.

"Why are you on the floor" I glance at Melo sprawled across my bedroom floor in a star shape

"Well you're sleeping on the bed" he continues typing on his phone

 I sigh, with an eye roll and scooch to the edge of my bed "I'm not finna bite you, c'mon"

"You sure?"

"U got 5 seconds to get in bed" 

Melo hops up from the floor and jumps into the bed

"It's so damn cold" he throws the covers over himself and shivers agressively "Goodnight Maribel Anne" 

"Oh, nah. You gotta cut that fed bullshit out right now or you goin back on the floor"

"My fault, OG"

"Unh huh," I hum "I got a question" 


"What's your name" I ask

Melo looks over me for a moment. He sits up in bed and turns his body to face me

"So you mean to tell me I'm sittin here in your bed and you have no idea what my name is?"

"Well, I know your name's Melo but like- what's your full name?"

"You say I'm fed but then ask for my government?" 

"Are you gonna keep adding questions to my questions or are you actually gonna give me an answer?"

"I don't know, haven't decided yet" he shrugs

"Seriously" I lightly punch him in the shoulder and smile

"Lamelo Lafrance Ball"

The room fills with silence for a long moment

"Hello?" Melo interrupts the silence 

"So, I'm sorry lemme just wrap my head around this real quick" I choke back a laugh "Yo momma waited nine long months, pushed yo lanky ass out, looked at you, and was like 'yea, this mufucka look like a Lamelo Lafrance'? Are we serious right now?"

"Alright, you on my dick. Goodnight" he lays down and turns his back to me

"Wait," I laugh and try turning him back over

"Nah, you better get yo midget hands away from me woman"

"Midget hands?!"

"Yea, them luh stubby ahh fingers, get em off me little lady"

I laugh and pluck his cheek "You stupid man"

"You can't get on amusement park rides"

"Not too much, you gon end up right back on the cold ass floor with no blanket"

Melo laughs and turns over to face me "Goodnight Midge"

"Night, Frenchie"

Melo laughs and shakes his head "Frenchie a lame nickname, you tried it tho"

"Whatever loser" I pull the covers over me 

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