Two of a Kind

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King Candy sighed, "Well then, go on. Explain yourself." You got comfortable where you sat. "You see, I wouldn't say I'm exactly from around here." You fumbled with something on your arm until a makeshift screen popped up in front of you. "What the- how are you doing that?!" He scooted closer to try and see what you were doing. "This? I just messed around with the code a bit so that I can edit it freely wherever I am. Pretty neat, right?" You smiled, opening a script that you began working with. "Messed around wi- don't you know how dangerous that is?!" Candy scoffed. "Oh, you're one to talk." You retorted. He became even more flustered at that. "That's not the point! It still doesn't explain who you actually are." "Oh yeah! Hang on." You rewrote a couple of the lines of code for your character. Your appearance fizzled a little, then you began to grow to be about twice your former size. Your outfit changed almost completely; it was much more dingy and sporty, rather than glittery and cute. A whole new layer of shock dawned on Candy's face. "Okay... now you really have some explaining to do." He said.
You started to give your story, "Well, before I came to Sugar Rush, I was from another game. Not too old, but still kinda outdated compared to this one. It was a fighting game with all-female player characters," Candy cut in, "Wait, I've seen that one! You were from Fight Gals?" He said, a little surprised. "Heh, yeah... I guess I just never enjoyed the game like the others did. Fighting just wasn't my thing, and almost no one ever picked me. So, I figured I needed a little change of pace." "And you thought the best way to do that was to game jump??" "Again, I don't think you have a say in what's right or wrong here. Anyway, that's how I ended up here. I had seen Sugar Rush from across the arcade, and it looked so much more fun and fast paced, I couldn't resist!" You said. "Well, that's reasonable, I suppose." Candy thought aloud. "And speaking of racing games..." you said, looking back at the little screen you had before you, taking a minute to replace another few lines of code. King Candy looked confused for a moment, but suddenly felt a jolt go through him as his appearance changed as well. He grew just a tad taller... although not by much. His clothes changed from the perky theme of the game to a telltale red and white. Soon enough you saw his real form, Turbo, sitting in front of you. You both stared awkwardly at each other for a moment. Then you broke the silence with a chuckle, "Gee, I've heard the legends, but nobody told me you'd be handsome." Candy, now Turbo, looked at you in surprise but laughed back, "-And I thought you couldn't get much prettier than you were!" You both giggled at the sudden flirtatious energy, and without thinking much, Turbo leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You faked a dramatic gasp, kissing him right back on the lips. You spoke, "Y'know, I think this could be the start of something,"
"-Turbotastic!" He answered before you could finish. You both laughed and chased each other out of the corridor, starting a new chapter of life with a secret to share.

Code-crossed: King Candy (Turbo) x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora