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It was a brand new morning, and once again you had decided to spend the day in after the excitement of the past week or so. King Candy had gone to start another day of racing. This would be the last day before the arcade closed for the holiday season, and everybody would have some time off. You decided that you all deserved a little treat, so you made your way off to the kitchen.
Looking around, you tried to find a recipe of some sort, but to no avail. 'Guess I'll have to do some improvising', you thought.

After a few hours of things getting really messy, you finally had a finished product. Just in time, too, because you heard the doors open and close as Candy returned from the races. You ran over to the throne room to greet him, and he excitedly told you about the day. "Haha!! Oh, (Name) you should've seen it! I drove circles around those little ankle biters!" He proudly showed off one of the gold coins he always came back with. "Hey, that's great, Candy!
-Oh! Come with me, I've got something important to show you!" Before he could answer you grabbed him by the arm and led him through the halls until you got to the kitchen. You opened the door to a room full of pastries, cakes and sweets, all of varying colors, covering almost every available surface.  Candy could barely answer, he just stood in awe. "You... made all of this??" He asked. You gave a proud nod, and he giggled. "You know, if you were hungry, you could've just asked for something." You laughed in response, shaking your head, "I made it for you, silly! As a celebration for finishing the season! Congrats!" You pulled him up in one of your now-signature hugs.
"Haha! This is fantastic!"
"Well, not as fantastic as you, T!"
King Candy hopped down from your arms with a confused look on his face. "Ah, heh- what was that?"

You knew what you had said, and you weren't sure yet whether or not you regretted it. "Uh... you know, 'T'! Like a nickname or whatever..." "Forgive me (Name), but I'm not sure what it refers to." Candy was looking more and more nervous. There wasn't really any going back now. You gave up on playing dumb and played the sly card. "Oh, I think you know what I meant," you leaned in close in case there were guards nearby, "Turbo." Candy froze in his place. His face went white as he gave you a surprised stare. His normal joyful façade fell away before your eyes as he grabbed you by the arm and began dragging you down the hall. You wanted to say something else, but decided against it until you found out where you were going. After you trailed around a few halls, you finally spoke- "where are you taking me?" "Somewhere no one will hear." He said,  panic lacing his voice. You just watched as he pulled back an all-too familiar curtain. You were in the dimly lit room that led to the bunches of code you saw before. Candy used a commanding finger to point to the floor, and you took the gesture to sit down. He peeked around the curtain, double checking for anyone that may be nearby, then ran over to be face to face with you.

"Where did you hear that name?" He whispered, although it was more like a quiet yell. You let a smirk spread on your face. "I have my ways..." and now the finger was pointing at you. "Oh, no! Usually I don't mind your little cryptic games, but this time I'm serious! How did you find out?" He asked. You raised your hands in defense- "Now, hold your horses! Before you go calling your not-so-competent guards on me, I can promise you I won't let anyone know about your little secret."

Code-crossed: King Candy (Turbo) x fem readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang