Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deception

Start from the beginning

    "Do I hear an undercover assignment coming on?" Beast Boy asks, smiling cheekily. "Lucky for you guys, I happen to be a master of disguise." The shapeshifter turns into a monkey, then a kangaroo, and then a mongoose, looking at us all hopefully.

    I snort as Raven rolls her eyes. "Yeah, a green mongoose is gonna blend right in," she says.

    "Sorry, Beast Boy," Robin says slowly. "I was thinking of someone with a slightly better disguise." He looks at Cyborg, and Beast Boy walks up to the Titan.

    "What are you gonna do? Dress Cyborg up like a washing machine?" Beast Boy pushes Cyborg slightly, and the latter falls over, causing the green Titan to let out a shriek. He turns into a lizard and clings to the wall.

    "That isn't me," Cyborg says as he walks over, waving a controller. "That's my fully robotic replacement. Not nearly as charming, but he can bench-press a bus." The double stands back up and we all—except for Beast Boy, who's still petrified—stare in awe.

    "Boo-yah!" it unexpectedly shouts, causing the four of us to jump back in a startled state. The head falls off and flays about, only attached to the body with a single spring.

    "He still has a few bugs to work out," Cyborg states.

    I walk back to where I previously stood and cock an eyebrow. "You don't say," I mutter.

    "No fair!" Beast Boy shouts, turning into human form when he reaches the floor. "I may be all green, but he's half metal! How come he gets to go?"

    Cyborg leans in to the green shapeshifter, who shoots him an annoyed look. "Because I have a new toy," he teases. He shows us two rings, one on each hand, and fists them together. They emit a light that blinds us, but when we look back up, Cyborg's robotic features have been erased.

    "A holographic generator!" Starfire says, jumping up and down excitedly.

    "Dude! You look—"

    "—Unplugged," Raven finishes as the green Titan fumbles for words.

    "Nice work. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were just normal." I elbow the leader at these words, and Cyborg looks down at his seemingly human hands.

    "Uh... thanks."

    I lean in slightly to Robin. "Nice word choice," I hiss, before walking out the living room. As I walk, I begin to regret my words, and shoot him an apologetic smile on the way out, which he returns.


    I stand at Cyborg's door, my hands poised to knock. Eventually, I do, and the door opens immediately. Cyborg stands there, the holographic generators in use, and he stares at his human features in the mirror longingly.

    "Ready to go undercover?" I ask, slowly stepping inside.

    Cyborg looks at me through the mirror, and I offer a sad smile. "Yeah. Just not used to it. The unimproved me."

    "That's fine. You're not expected to prefer your robotic parts." I walk up to Cyborg and sigh, reaching up and placing my hand on his shoulder. "Who are you going as?"

    "Stone," he replies.

    "As in your last name?"

    Cyborg whips around and points his finger at me accusingly. "Now how do you know that?" he asks, waving his finger. I don't fail to notice the knowing smile that works its way to his lips.

    I shrug cheekily. "I have my ways."

    Cyborg grins at me, the glint in his eyes begging for an answer. "If you know my name, it wouldn't hurt for you to tell me yours," he points out.

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