Scary movie

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(This is just a random one-shot I thought up. Hope you like it)

You could here the terrified screams of people running for their life's on the TV . "Don't do it"

varian told the characters peeking threw his covered eyes. " and....... YES!!! Right in the heart" Cassandra said in joy.

*30 minutes later*

"don't go in . Don't go in " the alchemist repeated as the characters went inside the cemetery.Cass leaned forward excited to see what happened next.

The characters let out a deadly scream. Varian screamed too jumping into Cassandra's arms.

Cass looked at him confused.quickly paused the movie. "Var are you ok"she asked putting her arm around him.

Even though it was hard to tell she saw him nod. "You sure". "Yeah I'm good. Let's continue shall we"

Varian said with a fake smile,pulling away,trying to hind his fear.

Cassandra smiled at his behavior. She rolled her eyes before grabbing his arm,so he wouldn't leave her side.

"Oh no you don't. Your staying right here for the rest of the movie" cass said pulling the boy back to her.

"Better" she asked cuddling him. Varian let out the last bit of fear threw his sigh. "Yeah. Perfect"

They both smiled,and Cassandra resumed the movie Varian jumped a few times,but it was ok knowing he had his girlfriend by him.

*1 hour later*

The movie ended,but the two were already sleeping cuddled up with each other.

The end

Cassarian one shots Where stories live. Discover now