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So this isnt really a new chapter but i kind of realized that i didn't really gives you guys to much of a backstory on Tom or Mark. So this is just gonna be a little bit of a backstory for Tom and then for Mark but some of this backstory is gonna be helpful for later chapters.

Tom's Backstory 

So we heard a little bit about toms mom but nothing about his dad. His dad was very abusive towards him and his older brother Shon. Shon always tried to protect him but it wasn't easy. Toms dad was never abusive with there mother but she never tried to make him stop. Eventually there dad just got sick of it and decided he would leave there mom to figure it out on her own. So his dad left right after toms sister Kari was born and tom to this point in the story hasn't seen him sense then. Then we talk about Kari who we also haven't really brought up in the story either. She is much younger than tom he was 10 when she was born. But when tom was 15 and Kari was 5 she was put in a foster home because they didn't believe she was safe in the home. Also by this time Shon had already enlisted in the army because he was 18. They weren't safe in that home at all Toms mother had turned to drugs and had multiple abusive boyfriends but Tom still didn't want to go in foster care so they let him stay in the home but they still put his sister in a foster home. Tom was happy his sister was safe but he really hopes at some point to get her back he hasn't seen her in almost 3 years. Shon and Tom never really got to talk which left tom kind of all alone because his mother wasn't even really there when he was growing up. Luckily until Shon left he could take care of Him and his sister but once he left everything fell apart. Tom lost his little sister and it was almost like he lost his brother too. Toms life was kind of falling apart until he found Mark. Ok so thats backstory for Tom to where we are at now in the story now.

Mark's Backstory

We haven't really heard much about Mark before he met Tom so im gonna tell you a little bit to fill some things in that probably don't make sense like why he has a house to himself and why he takes care of his younger sister Anne. So Mark and Anne's parents died in a car accident when Mark had just turned 18 and Anne was still 14. When they died he was left to take care of his sister because they don't really have much family around and they didn't really want to move. But before the accident The Hoppus family was almost perfect Mark was gonna go to college to be an english teacher but when his parents passed away he knew he needed to be there for Anne instead. Luckily for Mark his parents had already paid off the house they live in so he doesn't really have to worry about that. Mark is very protective over Anne because he is so worried he's gonna lose the only family he has left. He was really messed up for a while but that one morning when he found Tom on the floor in his kitchen everything changed he saw something is Tom. Mark didn't know what it was but he knew he was gonna protect Tom no matter what because he saw a lot of himself in Tom. But in the process he has fallen in love with him. Ok thats some backstory for Mark to where we are in the story now. 

Authors Note

I know this isn't a new chapter but i wanted to give you guys some backstory. Next chapter will come out either this weekend or next week. Its gonna be a good one i promise but i just didn't want to put it out yet because its not completely finished. But i hope you enjoyed some backstories in the meantime. :)

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