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"Hey Chapa you ok? You been acting different?" I asked her honestly worried about her.

"Oh don't worry about." She smiled at me. "Let's just say a few things changed for me."

"Oh ok." I was confused by what she meant by that.
At Men's Nest. Still (y/n)'s pov

                     Mika 🗣️😋

           Hey. We're on our way back.
I know y'all are talking about Chapa.


k thanks for the warning!☺️

I texted Mika while we were heading to the Men's Nest.

"Hey I'm going to head to the bathroom." Chapa said all smiley.

"Ok." I walked off the to the Man Nest. The door slid open and I walked in. (The video explains this part starting from 2:45)

"Hey guys." I said as I walked in a sat next to Bose on the couch, who was still had duck tape on his eyes. Everyone was still in there costumes.

"Hey wears Chapa?" Mika asked me.



Captain man walked up to me. "So did you figure out what was wrong with her?"

"No. All she said was a few things changed for her." I answered honestly.

"Gah!" Ray yelled scaring everyone. " Your useless!"

"Hey I didn't see you trying!"

"Cause I'm the adult. All of you are sidekicks!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back.

"Alright look!" Miles yelled. "Mistake were made but you need to calm down!"

Ray looked at Miles. "The only person who is allowed to tell me to calm down is Taylor Swift via song!"

"Why are you made at us?" Mika asked Schwoz and Ray.

"Yeah Chapa's the one that messed up." Miles agreed with Mika.

"3 times!" Mika said and Miles held up 3 fingers.

"Where's Chapa anyway?!" Ray yelled angry. I was going to answer until Bose said something.

"Don't look at me. I'm blind. But I think it enhancing my other sense's." Bose sniffed the air. "Is someone eating Nacho Bar?" I took the tape off his eyes. "Oh it's me! Hi (y/n)!"

Bose smiled noticing me next to him. I smiled back. "Hi."

"I think she went to the bathroom." Miles finally answered Ray's question.

"Good let's talk about her before she gets back." Ray standing over the couch.

"I personally think it's not nice talk about someone who is not around to defend themselves." Mika said and everyone went quiet. "But can we talk about how weird she's been today?!"

"Yea!" Everyone said but me and Bose.

"I sneezed earlier today and she said bless you!" Miles said.

"I lent her my pen and she said thank you!" Everyone gasped. "Then she returned it." Everyone gasped again.

I stopped paying attention after that.

Her best... friend? (Chapa x reader) ((UNDER HEAVY REVISIONS))Where stories live. Discover now