She'd choose to forgive the girl. Not because of all the pain she'd caused her, but because her own soul deserved peace.

"Fine, have it your way." She huffed, preparing to exit. "But I'm not doing it for you, I'm only doing it for myself."

Before Bianca had a chance to respond, P.A.L's digital, lady-like boomed over the intercom. "Amber Grayson, Bianca Summers, your presence has been requested in The Cortex by Director Callan immediately."

Amber gulped.

Here we go.


Dylo adjusted his wrist-mounted speedometer the researchers had constructed for him. The design was fairly simple, as that's how he preferred most things.
The device supposedly housed sensors that picked up a change in air pressure and wind resistance.

Depending on whether it was an increase or decrease, the glowing red numbers on the contraption would measure the boy's speed in miles per hour.

The blond's bio-suit had also been upgraded and modified, now boasting a more armored appearance while simultaneously being lighter. He'd made a few personal modifications as well, adding a lightning bolt emblem on his right pectoral area that glowed along with the yellow seams whenever he used his superhuman speed.

The glowing portions of his suit really stood out from the black background. All of theirs did, really, seeing as they'd all customized their bio-suits to their liking. The black backgrounds remained, but they'd added a few of their own personal touches.

With the help of Leo, he'd found that the reason for his decreased stamina was his accelerated metabolism, because normal food wasn't enough to sustain his powers. To remedy this, Leo had built him a hidden compartment on the bottom of his wrist that housed his power pellets, which provided him with enough energy to sustain his immense speed.

However, fear wouldn't cease to creep into the boy's mind. They could've been walking right into their own demise. While they'd been lucky to escape many times in the past, something told him that not everyone would survive this confrontation.

Though he was relieved that he'd gone from merely punching people and running away to being a decent melee combatant, he was still insecure about the limits of his own speed. He hadn't even reached Mach one yet, let alone surpassed it.

But the others had weaknesses as well, yet none of them would hesitate to come to blows with Primus a fourth time.

He had no right to do any less than them.

The blond repeatedly tapped his foot in rapid succession as he pursed his lips, sitting in The Cortex. It was a habit that his father had taught him to reduce his stress and anxiety.

Eliza, however, was only becoming more annoyed by the second. "Would you cut that out? You've been doing that for five minutes straight and it's fucking irritating." She griped.

"Well you would know a lot about something being irritating, now wouldn't you?" Dylo retorted, proceeding to tap his foot louder and faster. They'd been grinding each other's gears since they'd returned from their infiltration mission back at Primus.

Leo smirked, watching as the pair went back and forth. If he had a bag of popcorn, he'd be all set.

"Ugh, you're insufferable!" Eliza raised her voice.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now