Scp escape today's

30 0 0

Doctor Lear:hey. Some people there!


Doctor Lear:Someone there??

Soldier C:What happened??

Doctor Lear:Nobody's reply..

Soldier C:I go to check what happened

Doctor Lear:(nod)

*At gate A*

>Scp 096’s phone ringing and 096 pick up the phone<

Scp 096:hello.

Scp 173:are you feeling alright??

Scp 096:yeah..

Scp 173:if you're feeling alright. Tonight We talking about how to espace.

Scp 096:What time and how many people.

Scp 173:Tonight 7:40pm and We have Scp 049. Scp 035. Scp 106. Talking

Scp 096:。。。。。。

Scp 173:Are you clear??

Scp 096:(Silent)

Scp 173:Hey. What's wrong??

Scp 096:Some.... Someone...Is coming now.

Scp 173:D class??

Scp 096:N... no... That... Stu.... Stupid...D...D.... clas... Class

Scp 173:So who's coming near you??

Scp 096:So... Soldi... Soldier is coming near me

Scp 173:are you alright??

Scp 096:(didn't reply and begging sreeming)

>Scp 096 kills soldier C<

Scp 096:(pick up the phone) you say what time we meet??

Scp 173:tonight 7:40pm.

Scp 096:alright

Scp 173:Are you ok??

Scp 096:Yeah. See you in tonight

Scp 173:ok. Seen you

*Tonight 7:40pm*

>035 quickly hug 049<

Scp 049 :hey. Don't hug me too deep (trying espace)

Scp 035:you're mine. I don't want it (still hugging 049)

Scp 049:escape me!!!! 035

*Scp 106 come form for flood*

Scp 106:Can you guys stopping??

Scp 049:(seen 106)

Scp 035:he's mine. Always. (Stare Scp 106)

❲ Scp 173 & 094 arrived ❳

Scp 049:should all of you arrived

Scp 173. 096. 106 & 035:Yeah.

Scp 049:Let's all begin

↠after meeting↞

Scp 049:all of you clear it??

Scp 096. 173. 106 & 035:Yeah.

Scp 049:if anyone don't know yet

»Scp's silent«

Scp 049:not questions?? Well time to leave now. See you.

Scp 035:actually I have questions

Scp 049:don't say to me. Bye.

*Scp 049’s leaving*

⇛In the morning⇚

Soldier D:I hate this work

Soldier C:Me either

Soldier D :So Why we work for here,??

Soldier C:Because we want capture Scp don't let then escape

Soldier D:Why. Is there is dangerous??

Soldier C :Scp 096 not dangerous. But..

Soldier D :is scp 096 not dangerous. I will take this work

Soldier C:Hey.

Soldier D:What??

Soldier C :Don't look 096’s face

Soldier D:Why??

Soldier C:don't look his face. I'm warning you.

Soldier D :Why??

Soldier C:Just don't


↣At Scp 096 cage↢

Scp 173:Begin. Cus someone is come for you now

Scp 096:Alright.

↭To be countined↮

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