Apolaki chuckled in delight before bowing his head as well.

"Forgive me for my foolishness, Chosen One," Apolaki said while smiling, not a hint of sincerity was there but for the sake of his son, he had to bow his head.

The moon god gritted his teeth, angry to himself for losing his composure over such matter that could eventually lead them to knowing that he already met the serpent for a while now.

"Forgiven," said Libulan, sighing, as he sat properly again, maintaining his proper posture like he always practiced, "but never mention the existence of such mythical creature inside the palace, it brings horrid fear among my people." To him, specifically.

Libulan cleared his throat, realizing his mind has been flying elsewhere that he didn't get to give the silent Sidapa who was annoyed that he has been ignored.

"I-I appreciate the effort and purpose of your proposal, guardian of the sacred mountain of Madjaas, Sidapa. But as of now, I... I have no idea of the uhm... proposal you just mentioned right now," Libulan admitted, scratching his side cheek as he looked away, despite the blindfold he has on, he can still vividly see everyone's faces. After all, it was worn to protect him against the blinding light from Apolaki.


"So... I think I will have to think a lot about it first if it's okay with you?" The moon god smiled gently, tilting his head to get any approval from the death god, whose eyes immediately lit up when Libulan finally paid attention to him.

Sidapa, upon hearing this, fluttered his Sylphs away as they slowly turned back to their original form which was obsidian. Even if he didn't get the answer he was expecting, the death god still felt that he will have a chance on Libulan, one way or another.

Formally bowing his head, Sidapa went, "For as long as you will end up in my arms, it won't matter for how long you might think or decide, in the end, my heart always belongs to you," while giving the moon god his sweetest smile before disappearing into thin air, with his sylphs fluttering away along with their master. Not even bothering to say goodbye to the other deities.

Libulan got flustered, even if he doesn't understand the sense of that feeling yet.

"My, my. Never thought that he will get sweeter as he grows," Dian Masalanta giggled in glee to see how the child god she used to play with has grown into a fine young, powerful god who thinks of others before himself.

"I hope he visits Kaluwalhatian, I heard many stories about him from Idianale and Dumangan. They raised that boy well," Amanikable nodded his head, agreeing to his statement as he remembered the two deities telling him that Sidapa used to love the Sky Palace, and everyone who lived there with him.

Apolaki unconsciously flinched upon hearing his grandparents name, then clenching his fist under the table for some reason as he continued to listen to their conversation.

"Puh," Luyong scoffed, "that brat grows annoying every day, you say."

"Oh, come on, Luyong. I know you missed him, too," Apolaki decided to tease the tide goddess who immediately snapped and threatened the sun god who was only chuckling like a child while his son was telling him not to anger the goddess for it will bring a storm to the fishermen at the sea.

"I am sure he will visit the Sky; he is such a kind god and my people have loved me more because of him. I owe him a lot," Libulan told them, hands clasped together, and memories of him and Sidapa at the Lunar village have left so many good moments for him.

Mayari was totally against it, even if Sidapa kindly asked for their permission, for she worries about the safety of their god, but she just sighed to herself.

Moments later, the Sky deities have bid their goodbye to the Lunar Realm with their heavenly transports. The other deities who didn't get to pay him a visit would make time to try and meet him soon. They even invited Libulan to attend the godhood ceremony of Apolaki's only son whose name isn't mentioned yet, either by Apolaki or the Sky deities themselves. While Dian Masalanta will send a lot of flowers for the young Moon god, because she now loves the Moon god, according to the goddess of love herself.

But before the young Sun god could leave, he was stopped by the young guardian of the moons who got curious about his name.
"You haven't told us your name," Libulan smiled a bit, shyly playing with his fingers as he befriended the mysterious, and cold young Sun god of the Solar Realm.

The young Sun god gave him a side glance before saying his name and proceeded to their transport. His father even asked what took him so long and only replied 'I am exhausted', then they departed from the Lunar Realm with the Lunar people prayed for their safety and were grateful for the blessings that the Sky deities have given them today.

"Finally, they are gone!" Mayari rejoiced, stretching her arms in delight while Malyari is busy commanding the attendants and servants to arrange every gift in accordance with its importance while the rest of the presents that have been given but wouldn't be used by Libulan anyway, will be given to them, the servants.

Although, Libulan is still standing outside the palace as he gazes upon the heavens, thinking about a lot of things.

Wondering how the Sky looked up there and how many gods are there all in all.

"So, his name is Adlaw, huh," Libulan whispered to himself, unconsciously smiling at the image of the emotionless son of Apolaki.

"Bulan! There are so many pieces of jewelry to try on!"

"Ah! Yes, I am coming!"

DEEP inside the forest, two shadows have lurked the darkness as their eyes glowed brightly in red as they kept an eye on their prey which was gnawing on the fresh green grass of Laya, unaware of the fate that has been bestowed upon him: a lump of meat for the two huge beasts.

The cursed dog signaled his master to attack since the prey have let its guard down, munching on the leafy grass, but then he abruptly stopped from launching forward when he noticed that his master wasn't following him. The deer sensed them, causing the prey to run in horrid fear but it didn't matter now. Sigbin was quick to transform himself back to his human form, eyes widening to see Bakunawa puking blood.
Bakunawa was standing still, dropping his spear as he looked at the blood dripping from his mouth before he glanced back at Sigbin with a faint smile on his face.

"I am just tired…” Bakunawa coughed, covering his mouth to stop the blood from flowing out. Sigbin looked back at his master, eyes full of worry and fear that they might lose him. He saw him clutching on his chest, tears were forming on his gleaming red eyes as if he was in so much pain.

"W-What is it? Did you get hit by something? Should I call the rest to help us return home?"

Bakunawa grinned a bit, shaking his head, still aching from the sensation inside his chest before showing Sigbin something that surprised the cursed dog.

An emblem of a moon deity.

"This is the consequences of my actions," the serpent god said, hiding the emblem again before wiping off the blood on his lips, "that I have to live throughout my life."

"Is that..." Sigbin trailed off, fear has engulfed his body as he looked at their master. He has known Bakunawa to be one of the strongest ancient mythical creatures that ever lived, and how kind he is to creatures like him and the rest on Laya.

But most of the time, he can't help but feel intimidated by the demonic eyes their master has that despite his friendly features, a resentful and bloodlust beast is hiding behind his face.

"Were you saying something?" Bakunawa blinked, all healed and no longer struggling from what just happened to him a while ago.

"A-ah, nothing. Our food has escaped," Sigbin nonchalantly reminded the serpent god, and that made Bakunawa scream in disappointment and hunger while messing his unruly hair.

"WHY ARE YOU SO CRUEL AGAINST ME?" said the poor hungry serpent god towards the heavenly skies, as if someone will reply to his rants.

"We can hunt for some rabbits if you want-"

"How about fishes-"


And a never-ending discussion between the spiritual cursed wolf and the mythical serpent beast has occurred the whole afternoon about what meal should they hunt next, and Bakunawa only wanted that deer.

Libulan, The Moon God (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon