Day 1-Morrigan-Everything Was Going to be Okay

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I'm alive. I escaped Jackalfax and jumped off a roof, but I'm alive.

This mantra repeated in Morrigan's mind as she laid on her back, staring up at the roof of Room 85 on the fourth floor. She was shown to this room last night, by one of the Deucalion workers...Mary? No, that's not it. Marta? That one sounds close, but no...Martha! That's the one!

As soon as the party had ended, Jupiter had moved her inside the Hotel and introduced her to the woman. She seemed kind enough. Much kinder than any of the workers at Crow Manor. He gave Martha the instruction to show Morrigan to her new room. The whole time Martha had fussed over her.

"If you need anything, anything at all, give me a shout. Do you need anything now? A bedtime treat? Milk or a chocolate, perhaps?"

Morrigan was overwhelmed by the kindness and hospitality radiating off of the woman and blushed. Just like she had with the ginger-haired man, Morrigan instantly knew she could trust this new addition to her life.

", thank you."

"Well, don't be scared to ask. I'll be here. Oh! Here it is!"

Morrigan had followed Martha up stairs and through hallways and had gotten to this door. The door with a number 85 painted on it. She looked around her. She was unsure of how she was going to remember the maze-like hallways of the Deucalion. Morrigan thought she would end up having to ask for someone's help.

Martha placed her hand on the doorknob and twisted it. The door gave way to a plain room. Nothing too special about it, and that's what Morrigan loved. There was a simple double bed, with a simple bedspread next to a simple window. There was a simple door leading to a simple bathroom with a simple bath and sink. It was all simple.

"I'm sorry it's so bland," Martha said. She sounded disgusted by the plainness in the room. "I'm sure it'll get better once the room starts to understand you more."

Morrigan was confused by the comment but was too tired to question it. "N-no. It's absolutely perfect. I love it. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Thank Captain North. He's the one that brung you here."

Morrigan covered her mouth with her hand trying to stifle a yawn before Martha could notice, however, the woman saw.

"Deary me! You must be exhausted! I can't imagine what kind of a night you've had. Here." She walked over to the dresser in the room and pulled out a black pyjama set. "Get changed into this in that bathroom. Once you come out, your bed will be ready for you."

Morrigan walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. As she looked at herself in the mirror, a grin spread across her face. She was okay. Everything was going to be okay.

She got dressed and walked out of the bathroom and saw Martha fixing up the bed. Morrigan cleared her throat.

"Um...where do you want...where do I put my clothes?"

"Oh, give them to me. I'll wash them and have them ready by tomorrow. However, you have a full wardrobe all ready for you."

Another yawn slipped past Morrigan's mouth. Martha placed her hands on Morrigan's shoulders and led her to the bed.

"Right, off to sleep now. We are all very happy to have you here at the Deucalion. We hope you enjoy being here."

Morrigan climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to her neck. She watched as Martha walked towards the door and placed her hand on the light switch.
"Good night, Morrigan."

With that, Martha turned off the lights and Morrigan drifted into a deep sleep.

When Morrigan awoke the next morning, she thought everything about last night had been a dream. That was until she opened her eyes and looked around at her new bedroom.

Everything came flooding back to her. The birthday dinner. The ginger-haired man walking in during the meal. Escaping the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow. Arriving at the Deucalion in an arachnipod. Joining a party. Jumping off the roof.

Morrigan couldn't believe it. She was alive after everything she had gone through. She was alive and everything was going to be okay.

720 words

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