Day 3-Favourite Adult Character (Jupiter)-Please, go to Sleep

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The sound of the crackling fire echoed around the study. Jupiter was desperately trying to keep his eyes open not wanting to give in to sleep. He couldn't. He had too much to do.

He had spent the last week trying to get the last signature for the safeguard. It was tiring business and he hardly slept. The only thing keeping him going was that he was doing this for Morrigan. His little Mog.

He smiled at the thought of her. She had grown up so much over the past year. She had gone from a sheltered, anxiety filled little girl, to a smart and strong one who had stolen Jupiter's heart. He loved her dearly. She was so small, Jupiter found it too easy to scoop her up in a hug whenever he saw her. She always shrieked with laughter and then would return it, squeezing his neck. Sometimes, she would even run up to him, and attack him with a hug, tightening her arms around his middle. Then it was his turn to laugh and hold onto her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered. No one gave a hug like his Mog.

He loved everything about her. Her little giggle and large smile when she saw him arrive home. Her black hair that blended in with the night sky. Her eyes. Goodness, her eyes. They were the death of him. Many times Jupiter had fallen victim to one of her death glares before she ran back into her room when he was away for too long or she was mad at him for whatever reason. But they also shone with the light of a thousand stars whenever she smiled. Or burned with fire whenever she was mad. Her eyes were very easily Jupiter's favourite part about her. Aside from her personality. The sarcastic personality she had taken on. Jupiter was quite proud of her for that one. It reminded him a bit of himself.

He wouldn't let anything happen to her and that was why he has been stressing over this one last signature. If he didn't get it, he didn't know what he would do. She would face deportation from Nevermoor. He couldn't bear the thought. Even if it came to that, he would fight to keep her at the Deucalion no matter what. But he didn't want to fight and go against the law. So he needed to get this one last signature. It was probably the most important thing he has ever needed to do in his life, apart from looking after Jack and Morrigan. But to continue looking after Morrigan, he needed to do this.

Jupiter wiped his hands over his face and took a sip of tea from his mug. Then he looked back down at the papers scattered all around his desk. He had lost his train of thought and forgotten what all these pieces of paper meant. He just wanted to sleep. He wanted to close his eyes, and then wake up to all nine signatures on the safeguard. He knew that wouldn't happen and this only made him more stressed.

He continued scanning his eyes all over his desk until he heard a soft knock on his office door. He thought he had imagined it, and pushed the sound to the back of his mind...until he heard it again. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost two o'clock in the morning. Who could possibly be awake at this hour?

"Uncle Jove?" The door had opened slightly and Jupiter's nephew's voice trailed in.

"Jack?" Jupiter stood up and watched the door open more to reveal Jack's exhausted figure. His face was pale and his patch was off. His hair was messy and his eyes didn't know where to focus. Jupiter walked over to him and placed his hands on his shoulders, leading him to sit down by the fireplace. He poured him a cup of tea. "What's wrong? Are you okay? What are you doing up?"

"I-I don't know. I couldn't sleep. I went walking around and found myself on the fourth floor. I decided to check in on Morrigan, you know, because of everything that's been happening." Jack's face got some colour back into it as a blush rose on his cheeks. He tried to hide this by taking a sip from his mug before continuing. "I saw that her door was slightly ajar, and I could hear whimpers and complaints coming from her."

At this, Jupiter looked directly at his nephew, concern evident on his face. "Is she okay? What was happening?"

"I walked in and saw her mind was covered by black clouds. I could barely make out shapes. It was a nightmare, obviously. I just didn't know what to do. So I sat on her chair and waited it out. Eventually, the nightmare ended and she calmed down. It was just really scary to watch. I can't imagine the stress she's going through right now. I mean, she just found out she's a...a Wundersmith! So I came here, to check on you. Are...are you okay, Uncle Jove?"
Jupiter didn't know how to answer this question. Jack was filled with so much kindness, but he hardly ever showed it. Unless he was alone with Jupiter. So instead of answering the question, he asked one of his own. "Do you like her, Jack?"

"Mog. Do you like her?"

Jack immediately blushed and became very fidgety.  "I—um—wha—Uncle Jove! You can't just ask that! Of course I don't like her!"

Jupiter chuckled. "Relax, Jack. Not like that. As a person. Mog needs people who love and support her right now. As you just said, she just found out she was a Wundersmith. She's just a little girl who needs to rely on people. So, do you like her?"

"Well, yeah. Of course. She's Morrigan. I can't not like her. She lives here. I see here whenever I'm home—"

"No, Jack. You're missing the point. If you weren't forced to spend all this time with her, would you still like her?"

Jack looked at his uncle for a while before looking down to his lap and answering.

"Yeah. I would. She's great. She's...she's a very close friend." Jack looked up to Jupiter's smiling face and smiled himself. "She's Morrigan. Our Mog."

"That she is."

They both looked at the fire and sat in a comfortable silence, drinking their own tea.
"Uncle Jove?"


"You didn't answer my question. Are you okay?"

Now it was Jupiter's turn to look at his nephew and think about his answer.

"Jack, do you want me to be honest?"

"Of course."

"Well, then no. I'm not okay. I'm far from it. I—I'm tired. I want sleep. I can't help but feel like I've failed as a parental figure and disappointed you and Mog. Oh, Mog. I need to get these signatures for her. If she doesn't get in to Wunsoc, she'll be heartbroken. I'll be heartbroken."

"We all will be..."

"She would have to leave us, Jack."

"No! She can't! She can't go back to Jackalfax. I won't let it happen. She's so happy here. She's much better, mental health wise, than what you said she was at the beginning of the year. She has to stay, but the only way for that to happen is for you to get some sleep."

"What are you talking about, Jack? I can't go to sleep. I need to figure out this last signature. I need to have someone sign this paper."

"And that can wait until morning. If you want to be a good parental figure, you need to sleep. You can't deal with her emotions if you yourself are tired. Just go to sleep, Uncle Jove. We can't see you like this. Please, go to sleep."

Jack's voice was clearly pleading. Jupiter looked at him in the eyes and saw how grown up his nephew was. He was no longer a little boy begging to play with Jupiter. He was now a teenager, who knew what was important. And clearly, Morrigan and Jupiter were both very important to him. Jupiter couldn't say no.

"Fine. But you must go to sleep too. Okay?"

"I promise. Just please, get some rest."

Jupiter stood up and led Jack back to his room. They said their good nights and Jupiter found himself walking towards Morrigan's room. He was glad to find that she was sleeping peacefully, the blanket pulled up to her neck. He had no doubt Jack had pulled it up before he left her. Jupiter walked over to her, and pressed a light kiss to her forehead.
"Goodnight, Mog. See you in the morning, I promise."

It was then that Jupiter truly realised how tired he was. He shut the door to Morrigan's room and let his tired feet lead him to his own room. He found his bed and fell on top of it. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.

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