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10 years ago.

It was one of those good days in school. Alex was happy because she won first place of the photography competition at her school. She cannot wait to show her mom the trophy and the prize money that she had won.

Giggling excitingly, she skipped happily to her house. Her brother, Ashton, walking beside her with a smile in his face. They raced to the front door with anticipation. Just knowing that their mother will be waiting for them inside with delicious lunch prepared in the kitchen.

As Ashton reached to open the door, they noticed the front door was slightly open ajar. Both of them look at each other. This was unusual as their mother always locked the door. Ashton was starting to have a bad feeling about it. He gripped Alex's hand and slowly went inside.

The house was a mess. Furniture were overturned, the television was smashed and pictures on the wall are now on the floor. Bits of glasses were everywhere to be seen. Ashton started to feel Alex shaking visibly beside him.

But the most alarming sight that they found was the trail of blood from the living room heading towards the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, they walked slowly to the kitchen, careful not to make any sound. As they get nearer, they heard a distant sound of chopping.

Chop... Chop... Chop...

Alex was silently crying and gripped Ashton hands harder as they slowly reach the kitchen. Facing behind them, stood a tall man wearing a tattered black shirt, blue jeans and a red cap. He was bending forward behind the kitchen table.


They stared in horror as they saw the man holding a big axe covered with blood in the air and bringing it down.


They both looked down and screamed.

On the floor, in a pool of blood, laid their lifeless mother, bloody and mutilated.

The tall man turned and with an evil smiled spoke to them

"Welcome home kids"

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