chapter #8

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A/N: I'm looking for somebody thats good at writing lemon because I hope to make a lemon chapter in the future. If anyone does please message me or comment bellow. Thank you and enjoy the story.....

"So you're staying the night?" Itsuka asked, "Y-yeah my mom she's stuck at work and the storm's gotten pretty bad." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Itsuka started to grin and then spoke up "I guess you can sleep in my room," izuku just stood there frozen in place staring off into space. "Izuku...Izuku...are you listening to me?" she yelled.

Izuku snapped out of it and responded "Huh...oh yeah what did you say," she sighed and shook her head "I said you can sleep in my room."

Izuku's face turned red as a tomatoafter hearing this "W-what you want t-to sleep together," he stuttered. She turned red like Izuku and she started to exclaim "NO NO NO NOT LIKE THAT!"

He sighed and said "Ok ok so I sleep on the floor you sleep on the bed,"  she nodded in agreement.

They went upstairs to her room and set up a makeshift bed for Izuku. When they laid down akward silence filled the room. Until Itsuka spoke up "Hey Izuku," she asked "yeah" he responded.

"Wanna play something?" She asked Izuku chuckled and responded "Like what Monopoly," She sat up and looked over at him "No not like that I mean like truth or dare." She said.

"O-ok," he stuttered, but Itsuka paused for a moment then got an idea. She grinned and said "How about we make more interesting."

Izuku looked at her confused and asked "What do you mean," she then pulled out a bottle of shochu and tossed it to him. All she said was "You go first."

The minutes turned to hours as the two went from sober to almost drunk, they kept daring each other or asking questions. Itsuka asked "I-izu truth or dare?" Izuku replied "dare"

Itsuka the got a clever idea so she said "Ok Izu I-I dare you to climb in bed," Izuku didn't move a inch he was frozen in place. "W-what?" he stuttered as he blushes got redder and redder, " You heard come on... what you scared or something" she said.

Izuku got up and walked over very slow , he then sat down at the end of the bed. "Izu," Itsuka chuckled Izuku looked back towards her and said "yeah".

"What are you doing i said lay down." She said as she patted the spot right next to her. " C-come on Itsu isn't t-this good enough?" He asked

"Your not scared are you?" She asked "No I'm not scared," he responded "Then come on already!" She whined.

Izuku walked over to her and laid down next to her his blush was crazy and he wouldn't face her. Itsuka blushed but her's wasn't as bad. "Izu I dare you to face me," she said "What are you talking about?"

"I said face me" she said, now he was nervous she's only used that voice when he's in trouble or when she gets very pissed.

He faced her "Now it's your turn" she said "Umm truth or dare" he asked "truth" she responded.

"W-who do you like?" he asked "Hmmmm I think I'll pass" she said "WAIT WE CAN PASS?" he yelled

"Yeah, to late to go back now," she chuckled "So truth or dare" she asked.

"Umm dare," he replied "I dare you to get closer to me" So izuku did and then asked "truth or dare" she replied dare

"I dare you to wrap your arms around me" he said " truth or dare" I dare you to ki-" she was cut off by Izuku kissing, at first she was surprised but decided to continue on. The two battled for dominance with there tongues until Izuku won. Itsuka pulled away and started to take a deep breath. "W-hat was that?" She panted "Ummm I-I uhhh-" hevwas cut off by her grabbing his cheeks and putting his face up to here's. "I like it" she whispered.

The two continued this, Izuku went for her neck and started to suck she moaned and tried to get him back by getting his collar bone but it was futile.

Finally the two laid down exhausted but cuddling in the bed. But then Izuku with no stutter asked

"What now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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