Derek comes down the stares and looks at me laughing. "Did you really tie up your own mother." he asks shaking his head and wiping the blood from my forehead. 

"She wants to act like an animal it's time she is treated like one." I respond back sarcastically. 

"It's very good to see you again but there is someone here who has been dying to see you." JJ says entering the house and pointing towards the cars outside. 

Spencer's POV

We get to the house and I know I can't go in so I step outside as the police and my team rush the barn and the house. "We have a body." I hear someone yell and my heart drops. "JJ who is it. Whose body is in the barn." I ask her feeling very concerned. She runs into the barn and comes back out. "It's Gary he died of asphyxiation. ME says maybe 2 hours ago body is still fairly warm." she says. "Man we will find Hannah." Matt says slapping my shoulder. 

20 minutes continue to go by and I feel sick. I look at JJ and she walks in the house but I quickly see her move out of the way as the screen door of the house swings open. Her eyes lock on mine as she runs towards me and I make my way over to her. Hannah collapses into my arms and we both begin to cry. We sit there for what feels like eternity my head buried in her brunette hair her head in my shoulder. 

"I am so sorry Spencer. I had to get them out of there or it was going to be a war in that warehouse and I couldn't have anyone else get hurt because of me. You all were there because of me." she says beginning to shake. I pull away and drive my lips against hers. I see her seyes shift and she begins to look around after pulling away. "Where is Alvez. Is he okay. Did I get him killed. I truly am a monster." she says looking around. 

We turn around and see the coroner's wheeling out Gary's body and the police taking Hermione out in handcuffs. A cop approaches Hannah as she slowly moves out of my arms and backs away. "We need a victim statement from you." she nods and walks to the back of the ambulance out of ear shot from me and the team. I stare at her, she isn't herself and she is putting up and act something terrible happened here. 

Hannah's POV 

"What happened next Agent. Agent what happened after Mr. Cole entered the barn?" he asks I can just stare at the van driving away with his body in it and the cop car pulling away with Hermione inside. "Agent Reid. Can you hear me?" "What yeah I am here. I don't feel comfortable talking about this with you." I say. "We are taking the investigation from here officer." JJ says walking over with Tara. He nods and walks away. I crawl into the back of the ambulance and have them close the doors. 

I am sedated and when I wake in the hospital Garcia and Spencer are there with Grace. How am I supposed to hold my baby when my baby can't even trust that I am going to take off for a month and not come back the same. I am a monster and can't even look at the baby. They all give me my space and I am discharged from the hospital a week later. They ran a rape kit and it came up positive, obviously, I had 4 broken ribs bruises and scrapes one of my wrists was fractured from being tied up. Spencer, Grace and I go home and I instantly lock myself in the extra bedroom/library. Spencer knocks and I just crawl onto the couch that's in there stare out the window and begin to cry. I can hear him lean against the door and slide down it. 

"Babe please. You can talk to me I am here. Don't shut the world out." he says slightly knocking on it day by day goes by. He continues to place food outside the door and when he walks away I take very little and eat. He eventually attempts to call in reinforcements. 

Spencer's POV

"For a week now I place food in front of the door and she only takes 2 bites of it and is barely drinking anything. Honestly Emily I know she isn't sleeping either I am up all hours of the night with Grace and I can hear her in the room crying and throwing things. This depressive episode is bad and I don't know when or if she will get out of it" I say starting to cry. "Thankfully Portia came and got grace. She is taking Kai, Hank, Grace, Henry, and Michael to the zoo." I say pouring myself another cup of coffee. 

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