Under the Rug!

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        Two weeks passed and it happened again. Samantha thought her forty-four year old father is off his rocker. Two weeks ago the muddy haired, blue eyed man, was ranting and raving about a big bug under the rug coming to eat him. Just last night he says that he saw another huge lump in the rug in the exact same spot.
    “Simon, honey, you need more rest,” Lashawna, Samantha’s mother, said.
With her icy eyes she ushered him up to their bed.
    “Lashawna I’m telling you and Samantha that there is something under that rug,” Simon bellows.
    “I’ll call Aunt Rose,” Samantha says. As she runs out her warm golden hair flows behind her.
    After the call Samantha’s Aunt Rose, a trained medical professional, runs to the house and is there within the hour. She runs up the stairs to find Simon stumbling out of his room.
    “Simon,” Rose said with disapproval, “you need to go back to bed and rest.”
    One night Samantha and Lashawna were playing chess when they heard a creaking near them. They looked over and froze when they saw a lump in the rug. The two of them inched to the end of the rug so they could roll it up and uncovered a trap door.
    “Sam stay right here,” Lashawna says as she inches forward.
    As she gets to the door and opened it to find a pitch black area. Sam came up to her mom and looked down the hole. Lashawna and Sam jumped when the head of a man with sapphire blue eyes and jet black hair appeared. When he smiled the two shrunk back because of his pointy teeth.
    “Are you descendents of Andrea O’Mera,” he asks in a silky voice.
    “Yes we are,” Sam replied shyly.
    “Well I am here to take you to a party,” he said winking.
    Lashawna drags Sam to the other side of the room.
    “ Sam I do not think this is a good idea,” Lashawna says worriedly.
    “Well I’m going because I need an adventure,” Sam says with a says with a sparkle in her eye.
    She goes back and learns that the vampire’s name is Vladimir. Sam climbed down the hole and motioned for her mom to follow. Lashawna followed quickly and shut the door behind her. She heard the rug role out to cover the trap door and climbed down to the bottom. With a torch in his hand, Vladimir takes them farther into the tunnel. At the end they come to a land where the moon hung high instead of the sun. Vladimir led them to a castle where they were welcomed by a golden haired, blue eyed woman named Andrea O’Mera. She told them that she was their ancestor. There was an extravagant party given in their honor. All the creatures who attended danced until dawn. Vladimir took them back to the ladder.
    “I hope I’ll see you again Sam,” Vladimir said with a twinkle in his eyes.
    “I hope so too Vladimir,” Sam says quietly.
    Lashawna made Sam go up the ladder first while she and Vladimir waited at the bottom.
    “I don’t like the idea of you and my daughter, but I will stay open minded for her sake,” Lashawna whispers to him.
“Thank you Lashawna,” Vladimir whispers.
Little did they know that Simon was up in the living room. When the lump in the rug appeared he swung the chair and slammed it down on the door. Sam fell and crashed into the floor. Lashawna screamed in fright as she saw Sam in a pool of blood.
“Lashawna I can save her if you let me turn her,” Vladimir says with fear lacing his voice.
Lashawna nods as she watches in fear for her baby’s life. She saw Vladimir bite Sam and waited. Lashawna waited for three days until Sam finally woke up and feared her red eyes. Sam smelt her own blood and her mother’s blood. She went to Vladimir’s side and motioned for her mom to go up because it was day time above. Another reason she motioned for Lashawna to go up was because Sam did not want to hurt Lashawna. As Lashawna reached the top they each whispered I love yous to each other. After Lashawna exited the tunnel she looked back, blew a kiss to Sam, and left the tunnel forever. They never saw each other again.

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