Chapter 34: Aloof (Lime)

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Warning: There is a small lime section in this chapter, same as before it will be in the Author's POV. So if you don't like limes just skip past that section when you come to it.

Your POV

Erwin walks in front of me heading to where I assume would be his office. He doesn't say anything to me as I follow him silently. I wonder what this is about? Something about Marie maybe? Ugh, why am I even thinking about her, come on (y/n), that's none of your business and you know it.

Plus, I have no right to be sad if he did hook up with her, seeing as I hooked up with Levi. I definitely don't regret it though, my feelings for these 2 men are messy and complicated. All I know for sure is that I like spending time with both of them. And hell, I don't have that much time left, so I'm going to get as much sex as I can from the both of them.

When we reach Erwin's office, he holds the door open for me politely. I thank him and walk past him into his office.

As soon as he walks in after me and closes the door, he pulls me into an embrace right away. His lips kissed mine hungrily, and I eagerly accepted. Definitely wasn't expecting this, but I'll take it.

After a few moments he released me so he could look at me, "Sorry about last night, it was kind of an awkward situation."

"A little bit, you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to, it isn't my business after all. I'm sorry for the way I reacted, it wasn't appropriate." I reassure him with a small smile.

"I don't mind telling you about it," He sighs heavily and goes to sit down behind his desk, "Have a seat."

I'm an avoider, I don't know if I want to hear about what happened, ignorance is bliss as they say, "Actually, if it's about Marie, I really don't need to hear it. So, if that's all, I think I'll-"


Uh oh, he's using his stern voice, it doesn't seem like he is up for dealing with my usual shit when it comes to pushing buttons, "Okay," I raise my hands in surrender, "You're right, or I could just sit down and shut up. Thank you, sir, very good advice."

I see a small smile form on his lips when I finally sit across from him, waiting for him to speak.

"I'm sorry about last night," He started, "I didn't know Marie was going to just show up like that. She just waited in my office for me while I was away."

"What did she want?" I try to ask casually.

"To talk about our past and you mostly," Erwin explained, running his fingers through his hair, "It was basically her last ditch effort to see if there is anything still here."

"Did she get the closure she needed?" I inquire, looking down at my hands, trying to look unbothered.

"I hope so, she said everything she came here to say and I listened, that was all I agreed to do. That's why I kicked you out by the way," I could feel his icy eyes on me so I raise my head to meet his gaze, "She wasn't going to leave if I didn't hear her out. I did so she won't be bothering me again."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," I smile, "You're a lot to lose, Erwin. I can understand why she is still clinging to you after all these years."

I seemed to have taken him by surprise when I said that, judging by the shocked expression on his face, "What? I can be nice and give compliments! Not everything I say is sarcastic."

"I know," He chuckled, "I was just a little surprised."

Erwin sat back in his chair a bit and studied me carefully, "So, what happened yesterday? You seemed like something was really bothering you."

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