01. A New Chapter

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01. A New Chapter

Deciding that it'd be a good idea to get ready for school before it'd be too late, you get out of bed and sloppily drag your feet to the bathroom. Slowly opening the door to the bathroom connected to your bedroom, you walk into it and wearily put your hands onto the sink and stare at your reflection. You have dark circles under your eyes from having too many late nights reading your favourite manga too many times.

"And it's the first day back..." you whine, regretting what you did last night.

After grumpily getting ready and putting your school uniform on you head downstairs to greet your mother good morning. Hopping down the stairs and running around the corner to the kitchen, you notice your mother isn't there. Usually she would hand you your breakfast and bid you goodbye while you walk out the door to school. But she isn't in the kitchen or anywhere downstairs. With your eyebrows scrunched up you wonder where your mother could be other than at work.

'But she doesn't leave for work at this time and she's normally out of bed an hour before me,' you thought. Your thoughts took over until you heard that honey like voice you've grown up with.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? You look worried," your mother says as she peeks out from the kitchen door connecting to the living room. Your mother was a sweet lady, too kind for her own good. She was at the prime of her life but she decided she wanted a child with your father and they ended up with you. Your father was a cold, cross, crass man. He wanted you to be successful and focus only on studying to become a lawyer, while your mother encourages you to do what your most passionate with. In your case, it was photography.

You sigh, "Mother, I heard you crashing around in the kitchen and when I came down for breakfast you weren't there. Your like a ghost!" You emphasise the word 'ghost', making it a little over dramatic.

"Sorry dear," she giggles, "I was just doing the washing up from last night,"

"You don't have to make such a racket, because of you I woke up before my alarm clock!"

"Isn't that a good thing? You always complain about your alarm, just make yourself some breakfast and hurry off to school, you'll be late otherwise," she winks.

"What do you mean by late-," you turn to look at the clock hanging on the wall and to your surprise, your a couple minutes later than you normally are when you leave for school, "Oh sh*t!"

Panic washes over your face as you run past your mother and straight to the door where your shoes are. You grab your shoes and slide them on your feet and search for your bag that you prepared the night before. You swing your bag over your shoulder and grab onto the door handle.

"(Y/N)! Watch your language!" She shouts from the kitchen, "And what about your breakfast?"

"I'll eat at school, I don't have any time right now! I'll tell you all about my day when I come back home, love you!" You bellow across the halls.

Turning the door handle down, you dash out of the door waving behind you to your mother. She leans against the door frame and smiles sweetly at you.

~Time Skip~

Beads of sweats are on your forehead and you're hunched over panting, trying to catch your breath. You grab your phone out of your bag as soon as you reach the school gates. Your eyes go wide as you realise you only have 2 minutes until the bells rings indicating that the start of a new year has begun. Slowing down your run to a light jog, you notice there is no one else in the corridors and you start to pick up your pace once again, while mentally kicking yourself for waiting around for your mother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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