Night-hunting outcome

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Under full, bright and cold as snow moon in the dark wild emerald forest evil been exorcised; corpses covered with ice painting that left by Shuanghua sword, scattered in the forest.

Stepping on soft moss, Xue Yang asked:

"Daozhang, it's late and you tired, maybe we better find a place to rest here?"

"You right, I am about to fall asleep unwillingly." turning around to a sound, he said with a smile.

After several minutes of walking, Xue Yang saw in pale moonlight a little hut.

"Daozhang, I found one!" he gently leads Xiao Xingchen to the building, as always warning him about irregularities on the ground.

In closer view hut was visibly abandoned, with many slots in wooden walls and somewhere had no roof. But for two tired cultivators to rest on a warm summer night is enough. Inside was a bit dusty and disorderly; in the corner where's a good roof was a heap of straw as a bed.

Being already indoors, two of them heard thunder outside, followed by a flash of bright lightning.

"Huh, we managed to find shelter before the sudden bad weather," Xue Yang said with a smile.

"You're right." Xiao Xingchen smiled in a little laugh.

Seeing a straw-like pile on the floor, Xue Yang softly said:

"Daozhang, let's go to sleep, there's some hay on the flooring." he puts a hand on his back and gently pushes in the right direction.

Xiao Xingchen slowly walks to the so-called bed, when wooden slats under his feet broke and he starts fell. Xue Yang quickly catches his Daozhang on a waist by a right hand, but losing balance fell too.

One of them hung in the air, while another leaning on his left hand, by right warily holding cultivator in white. Xiao Xingchen's hands gripped Xue Yang's clothes tightly, and his mouth was a little opened in shock.

Thoughts of both were in a mess, but the gaze of scarlet eyes riveted only to pale lips. It's starting to rain a little — Xue Yang's hand involuntarily lifted Xiao Xingchen so their lips touched in a light kiss — drop by drop getting stronger into a downpour.

Seeing only darkness, his other senses were heightened, so little kiss brought him into the fire, his breathing became uneven and face blushes. Xue Yang kissed him again, lowering to the floor and softly pat his cheek, but hands that had just clenched his clothes began to push him away.

"W-wait..." he turned away, squeezing lips. "It's incorrect, we don't even know each other..." his heart constricted in doubt, but he was kissed on the temple, feeling some relief after.

"Does it make any sense if we feel good being together, mn, Daozhang?" Xue Yang said in a whisper right near his ear, scorching him.

Thinking out of that, after a long while Xiao Xingchen said honestly "I just want to be loved..." tolerating pain from a lump in the throat.

"I love you, Daozhang, always loved and forever will" Xue Yang takes his chin and kisses as gently as can.

In response, he hugged Xue Yang's neck by both hands, answering to a kiss.

Xiao Xingchen didn't expect that will became breathless with embarrassment, while other's lips kissed him on the earlobe, going down to the neck. So he can't hold back moans anymore.

"Ngh..." he bites his lip, squeezing other's clothes fabric.

"Let me hear your voice..." gently kissing cheek, said Xue Yang, and took off white robes, kissing him again and again.

It takes a little while to take off almost all the clothes from each other, now awkwardly daring touch skin to skin, feeling other's breath.

Xue Yang licks and sucks Xiao Xingchen's nipples, while the last one wriggling under him like a snake, scrabbles his back to redness.

"Ah~!.." was heard when Xue Yang put a hand under Xiao Xingchen's pants and lightly touched the horny part.

Xiao Xingchen thought that he feels so good for the first time in several years, forget oneself in excitement.

"W-wait!..." he didn't notice when Xue Yang took off his pants and spread his legs being between them.

"I'll be gentle," answered Xue Yang and put in one finger.

Xiao Xingchen hugged him tighter and begged for a kiss, so the other has no choice but to kiss him deeply. After the first finger, it was followed by the second and third, making Xiao Xingchen stuck on seventh heaven.

They kissed one another, biting and sucking other's lips, binding tongues.

Xue Yang silently asked, "Can I... come in?" and got as answer nod, then a light smooch.

Kissing Xiao Xingchen, he entered by what made him throw his head backward, and arch his back.

"Mgh!..." it was kind of painful but at the same time gives great excitement.

Seeing hard nipples right in front of himself Xue Yang, holding Daozhang on the waist, wrapped his lips around it and bit lightly, starting moving at a slow pace.

"Ng-ah~!" Xiao Xingchen feels unbelievable satisfaction when other's hot and hard flesh in and out of him. In and out, so good.

In the noise of the midnight downpour, Xiao Xingchen's hoarse moans are barely audible but Xue Yang sees and hears everything clearly.

Nobody knows how many hours they loved each other, how many times they came during this night. They didn't count it too.


I listened to the radio and danced shuffle until crashed into a bookshelf, then volumes of manga fell, I cleaned up and the MDZS book was opened on the 40th chapter. When I reread the CaoMu arc, played this song, so I came up with this.

I dunno how it's in China, but old Japanese houses have free space between ground and floor, so it's possible to break the flooring and fall through it.

Also, I'm bad at describing yukadon...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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