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3rd person

Without life there would be no death...and if you think about it...without death there would be no life....it all depends on what you believe...

But what people don't realise is that they both need one another......but theres a long journey until they start to work together... because one angel is too stubborn and rude....

Jungkooks pov

I giggle watching another happy family walk out of the hospital with a beautiful baby boy. I walk back inside and see another angel with an elderly man and a smirk on his face.

My eyes widen and I walk into the room and put my hand on the elderly man's forehead and the heart monitor starts Beeping again.
The angel glares at me "his time was up!" I shake my head "not if I can help it...who are you anyways? I haven't seen you around be- oh..."

He dissapears...I sigh "he was a very gloomy angel....in all black with black wings....I've never seen him before...I wonder if he's been around long!" I hear a baby crying and I smile "looks like my job here is done for today!" ((Humans aren't able to see me or any other angels))

I walk out the hospital and see my friends all sat in a tree. I giggle and walk to them "hey guys!" They all wave "hey jungkook!" I giggle "what's up guys?" Taehyung smirks "didn't you hear? The angel of death payed a visit today" I tilt my head "an angel of death?"

Jin nods "he's the grumpiest angel of them all...all in black...gloomy Looking" hoseok nods "he never smiles!" Namjoon leans against the tree "and he's the cause of death....he is the one who the Unlucky humans who can no longer fight....see when they die.....he takes their souls from them....the angel of death can't touch anything without it dying..."

Yoongi rolls his eyes "he can touch things just not things that are alive....so he can't touch a flower because it will whither and die" I pout "oh that's horrible....he must be so sad" I turn around to see a young boy laughing with his mum "GRANDPA WILL BE OKAY!"

They look at the tree (to the humans were all doves to them) the woman smiles "look baby! Doves!...the angels of life saved him" I smile and the boy giggles "THANK YOU ANGELS!" We all smile and he then walks into the hospital.

To the humans they can kinda know our presence by seeing us (as doves) or a rainbow in the sky when there isn't any rain...

I'm the only angel of life and all my hyungs are normal angels who look over people and keep people from doing wrong.
But the angel of death?...I can't tell you anything about him....

I knew there was someone who was the one responsible for the death... but I didn't think it would be an angel....I thought it would be a demon or something!...I guess I was wrong huh...

"Maybe I should go find him! Since he's death and I'm life we should be friends right?" I look at my hyungs.
They all shake their heads, taehyung laughs "are you crazy?! If he touches you you'll die!!" I shake my head "I doubt that will happen...."

Namjoon sighs "I wouldn't risk it kook..." I nod "okay....If you guys say so...I'll ask halmeoni about it! She'll know right?" They all nod and I then spread my white wings "be back guys! No baby's Should be born for a few hours so I should be okay!" They all laugh a little and I then fly to where halmeoni is.

She looks at me "hello jungkook..." I smile "hello halmeoni...it's nice to see you again!" She kisses my head "you're even more beautiful then the last time I saw you" I laugh a little "that was yesterday..." She nods "oh yes....I see a lot of angels I seem to forget things" I giggle

"I have a few questions about the angel of death?" I tilt my head. Her eyes widen "the angel of death?" I nod "yes?" She sighs "sit down..."

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