Chp 17

330 5 0

Kat p.o.v
It has been such a good week !! It was a week ago that me and jack got in a fight and now we're better
And omg it's his birthday in two week !!!! I have the perfect gift and everything for him
Jack is out right now looking for jobs we are trying to both get a job right now I already applied to a couple different places; Starbucks , holister , abrocombie , and mac makeup
He was looking at ; vanz , Nike , and some sport store that I forgot the name of !!
While he is gone in making his birthday invites (it's a surprise birthday ) and I'm making a check list of everything I need
Jacks birthday
1) go to alberstons and get a cake
2) send out invites
3) clean house
4) get food
5)get the most cute/sexy dress ;p
6) surprise jack !!! <3

Jack just got home Ima put the check list away !!
"Babe I'm home are you up there "
"Ya hold on Ina come down just give me a second " I yelled from the second floor
When I got down jack was sitting on the couch watching family guy lol
I went to sit with him and he just kinda scooted away
"Ummm jack are you alright "
"Ya in fine just .. It's fine "
He looked super pissed
"How did your interview go with vans " I asked
"Okay ..... "
"Well Ima go do my laundry do you want me to do anything inpeticualure of yours "
"Can you wash my jeans please "
Wow go from a fish to sweet I don't understand him ..
"Ya that's good " u said back heading upstairs
30 min later
"Jack can you hang are clothes so I can make dinner ?? "
"Umm why can't you " he said really rude
"Well I was gonna make dinner but I guess I'll do both "
I started hanging and folding are clothes to put Away
Finally I was done and Ima go make spaghetti
"Hey jack do you want spaghetti "
"Sure "
Omg why is he being so rude!!!!

Finally dinner is done and I make him and me a plate and we sit down in the dinning room , there was a really awkward silence till I broke it cus I was done with him being rude
"Why are you being so rude god I'm trying to be nice and then you go around all pissy and I made you are dinner and you didn't even say thank you or anything God !!" I shouted
" ....... I'm sorry I just didn't have a good day Kat I'm extremely sorry !"
" ok but you could've told me b4 you got home like texted me so I'm not smothering you or whatever "
"I know I'm sorry .."
"It's fine jack "
"I love you Kat "
"Love you to jack"

We ended up on the couch "watching" ridicoulessnes but we were making out pretty much the whole time. lol
It was getting pretty heated but then I ended it cus I was super tired .... Oops
"Jack ...j-jack I'm I'm really tired can we finish this another time ??"
"Ya babe anytime you want ;)"
With that I went to bed ....
Omg so sorry It ended really bad like seriously bad lol
Ps sorry for not updating in a while !!! 🙉🙈🙉
Neen 💋

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