Chapter 1

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"Alright time to suck it up buttercup." You said as you looked in the mirror at yourself. You were kind of excited. You hadn't seen Hinata since middle school and it's been 6 months since. You gained a little more weight around your hips and chest and you started poking at it. The uniform you had on hugged in the right and wrong places. You frowned and your mom caught sight of this. "Hey Y/n, you look so pretty! I couldn't have asked for a better looking daughter." She was always saying things like that. She knows you've been bullied for a long time. She's always been very protective of you since you were her oldest and only daughter. "Thanks mom." She told you this everyday but you were holding back tears, you felt as if it wasn't true. She pulled you into a hug seeing that look she knew all too well. "You'll be okay sweetie, if anyone hurts you I have the parental right to smash their face in. You're strong I know it." "Me hug too! Me hug too!" You heard your baby brother say. You laughed and picked him up into the hug.

"Ew when you're done being mushy call me." your little brother said. Your mom chuckled. "What he means is good luck big sister!" You chuckle and start getting your things ready to head out. "Do you want a ride to school sweetie?" "I'll be fine mom, it's just a few blocks away." So you head out and get to school. You feel stares from everyone there and whispers. It feels like you're the worst freak in the freak show. Then you space out and bump into him. The tallest guy you've seen today so far. He has blonde hair and glasses. His face is sour as if he just got touched by a disgusting creature. He's looking down at you. You feel so small.

Tsukki's POV

"What's this fatass doing bumping into me?" He looked down at you on the ground. Then he caught a glimpse of your eyes. Eyes that spoke a million words, eyes that were deeper and more mysterious than the ocean itself. They looked almost sad but they were so beautiful. He scoffed at his own thoughts. "What do I care anyway? She isn't attractive and even I couldn't pick her up." He turned to walk away until he was disgusted by his own actions for once. "I can't just leave her there, she looks new here, the least I can do is help." He turned back to you and extended his hand. "She's surprisingly lighter than I thought." Your soft voice broke his thoughts. "I-I'm truly sorry." Why did your voice hurt his heart? It sounded like you said these words so many times before, and for what? His gaze softened but only for a second. "Yeah sure just don't do it again fatass" He said looking at the rest of your body, he had to look away to hide a blush that was forming. You looked so soft and squishy and his mind started to wander into the deep end.

Your POV

Why did those words cut you even deeper? I mean it is true you are fat but that didn't give him the right to call you that. "Thanks beanpole." You say rather sweetly trying not to piss him off. He tsked at you but his pride wouldn't let him turn around. "My name's Y/n L/n but you can just call me Y/n." He started walking away. "Hey aren't you gonna tell me your name?" He started walking faster. You followed him. "Name's Tsukishima, now stop following m-""Y/N-CHAN!!" A blur rushed towards you and all you saw was orange hair and the ceiling as Hinata tackled you. You were about the same height as him if not 1 or 2 inches shorter, but he was stronger. "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH Y/N-CHAN!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME??" He was squeezing your torso so hard, you started to lose breath.What was even more embarrassing was that you were on your back in the middle of the hallway, with a skirt on, and Hinata was somewhat in between your legs and your f/c lace panties were exposed. When Tsukishima turned around he was blushing profusely. "Could you fuckbirds do this somewhere else?" he said turning around, hiding his blush yet again. Then you saw a taller boy with black hair and blue eyes, and a guy with a buzzcut. "Hey Hinata who's the cutie you're straddling?" The guy with the buzzcut asked, smirking.This caused you to blush. "Oh this is Y/n she's my friend from middle school! She's pretty right?" This caused you to blush even more if that was physically possible. "Damn right she is!" The buzzcut guy answered. "Hinata-boke get off of her, she looks unwell!" Hinata jumped up and you could finally breathe properly. He stayed close to you though. You decided to properly greet yourself. Since your first impression wasn't all that great. "My name is Y/n L/n, but you can just call me Y/n." Your soft voice made them all blush. Then Hinata said something that completely just destroyed your composure. "Y/n did your boobs get bigger? I had more cushion from my fall this time." Everyone stood there frozen at his words. "HINATA-BOKE!!" The boy with the raven hair yells and Hinata runs, and is chased.Your face grows into one of concern for your friend. "Don't worry about those two idiots, they'll tire themselves out. I'm Ryunosuke Tanaka, but you can call me Ryu cutie." "Stop harassing the first years Tanaka!" This is the voice of a new boy. He looks normal enough, short brown hair and a really nice smile that warms your heart. He's with a silver haired boy that looks so soft. Then they caught sight of you. "Well at least now we know why he's harassing her" said the silver haired boy. "Y/n this is Daichi and Sugawara *cough* mom and dad *cough*, that idiot over there beating up Hinata is Kageyama *cough* King *cough*, and that beanpole right there is Tsukshima *cough* Saltyshima *cough*." "Hello I'm Y/n L/n, just call me Y/n though" "This is getting tiring" You thought. They blushed at how freaking adorable you are. You looked sleepy to them in such a way that was cute. "I think I've had enough human interaction for one day." "Hey Y/n! You're in me and Kageyama's class! So come on!" The boy said with a bloody nose. "Hinata! Jeez! Come here!" You pulled out a mini first aid kit and some tissues you carried with you always. Some people found it weird but you do this for your brothers and your little brother-like best friend. "Stop getting hurt all the time you silly idiot." you chuckled. That's when you accidentally stole everyone's hearts. Your laugh was something they all wanted to hear again. You fixed Hinata up rather quickly. "Now don't pick fights with Kageyama anymore." He looked at you sadly. "I wasn't picking a fight, I was just complimenting your-" Tanaka put a hand over Hinata's mouth aggressively. "C'mon idiot." He dragged Hinata while Hinata was calling out to you. "Hey Y/n, would you like to be a manager on our team? It's just admirable how quickly you got Hinata back into commission. It would be great to have someone like you." You pondered for a minute. It was good being a manager because there wasn't a lot of physical activity and you liked helping. "Hm. Let me think for a moment." You fake pondered.They looked at you with hopeful eyes so you absolutely could not say no. "Yeah sure why not?" You said smiling softly. "Great I'll take you to Kiyoko since we still have a few minutes before class, she'll give you a form!" Sugawara said, grasping your hand quickly and running off with you. Making your breast bounce uncomfortably. Everyone down the hall was staring at the two of you but mostly you and you blushed, embarrassed and this made you want to get to your destination even quicker. You ran ahead of him not sure where you were going. You just wanted to get out of that damned hallway. Then you bumped into her. She was so beautiful, it felt as if you had just been graced by the gods. She had flowy black hair, a slender figure, pale perfect skin. "She's just the opposite of me." You felt tears trying to sting at your eyes thinking of how imperfect you were. "I apologize for the inconvenience." She extended her hand towards you so she could help you up. "Oi Y/n! I see you've met Kiyoko." You nod as you dust yourself off. "Kiyoko this is Y/n L/n She'll be the new first year manager!"

(Hypocrite) Tsukishima x Curvy/Chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now