Scott, noticing Harry flying, hesitated before seeing the snitch himself. He then joined the fray for the snitch. The issue for Scott was, he was on a Cleansweep. Harry on the other hand, had given the Sirius the idea of investing in Spudmore Inc, which was trying to compete with the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. As a token of thanks, Spudmore sent Sirius his newest broom, which was named the Firebolt. Sirius gave it to Harry for Christmas.

This gave Harry a huge advantage over Scott, who never had a chance. Harry secured the snitch in his hand, causing Leed Jordan to yell "It's over! It's over folks! For the third year in a row, Ravenclaw had won the house cup!"

Harry grinned and lifted his clenched fist up in the air, which led to cheers from his housemates and others who were happy at the demise of Gryffindor. Harry flew back down and hugged a happy Rishi. The pair then went searching for their friends. First, they found Parvati, who told them "Your Ravenclaw friends are heading to the party. Draco went to talk with Flint. Daphne went to find her sister. And Neville..."

"Is right here" Neville hugged Harry, then did the same to Rishi "Nice job guys! 3 in a row!"

Parvati smiled, "Also..."

She quickly kissed Rishi on the cheek, who looked shocked afterwards (according to Parvati, he always did).

After that, they heard growling coming from behind them. When they turned around, they saw an infuriated Ron Weasley "Traitors."

Neville's eyes narrowed "What do you mean, Weasley?"

"You're hanging around with Ravenclaws who just BEAT our team" Weasley snarled "And Patil here KISSED one of them! You two get away from them!"

"No" Parvati said curtly with Neville nodding his agreement.

Ron smirked smugly "Well, we all think you should. Dean, Lavender, Seamus, get over here!"

Those three came over and looked curious "What is it Weasley?"

"Don't you think that Longbottom and Patil here should get away from those two" Ron asked.

"Of course not" Lavender snapped "They're friends Weasley. Get that through your thick head."

Dean sighed "You're a idiot. No one cares if they're friends besides you."

Weasley huffed angrily at this and marched off while everyone else headed back inside.*

The party was fun. Ravenclaws weren't usually avid partiers but at times, they became ones. The party went on to about 10:00 since it was generally agreed that they shouldn't stay up too late.

The next day, Harry and Rishi were planning on meeting Sirius. Lupin realized that he could bring Sirius in at time since Sirius was an auror and fought against Dark Arts. The moment he found out, Lupin invited Sirius to come in to talk about his experiences. The real reason was for everyone to catch up and for Sirius to meet the rest of Harry's friends.

So Harry was pretty pumped up for DADA that day. When he got in, Sirius waved at him and Rishi. And when class started, it lived up to expectations.

Lupin began class with a role call then began talking "Aurors use topics we learn in DADA every day at work. Because of its importance in their jobs, i thought it'd be nice to invite an auror to speak. May I present, Lord Sirius Black, auror and my old friend."

Sirius grinned "Hi. I'm Sirius Black and let's get straight into it. Being an auror is tough and requires lots of magical skill in several areas. One of those is DADA. Dark Arts users can pop up anytime. It's important to be able to defend yourself against. DADA saved my life many times in the war against Voldemort."

The Standजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें