She stopped and stared at me for a few moments, as a smirk slowly made it's way onto her face. "So, how do I look Midoriya? Hopefully I don't look out of place at all." Jirou asked me as she chuckled and spun around for me.

I smiled and shook my head while she spun around. "You look really good Jirou, and you never look out of place." I replied to her with a smile.

Jirou returned my smile as she pulled up a chair beside me and sat down. "You know Midoriya, you always stutter and get flustered whenever you talk to the other girls in the class, but you haven't really done it too much since we started talking, why is that?" She asked me.

I looked back at Jirou and stared at her for a few moments as I thought back to when we first started talking. "Huh, I guess you're right. Honestly, if I had to point to a reason why, I would have to say that it's because I just feel more comfortable around you than any of the other girls in class." I answered.

Jirou stared back at me for a few moments, as her face slowly reddened. "W-Well I'm g-glad that you feel t-that way." Jirou responded, before turning away from me.

Before I could ask her why she had gotten so embarrassed, Iida and Todoroki walked into the dinning area. They were followed by Uraraka soon afterwards, making her the last one to arrive.

I got up and stretched a little while I looked around at everyone. "Does everyone have what they need?" I asked them.

Everyone quickly nodded in response to my question. "Well then let's get going." I told them, as I led the way out of the dorm.

It took us about 15 minutes to get into town from the dorm. The walk there was longer than I remember it being, though that was probably because we were taking our time walking there. Jirou took the lead once we got into town, since she knew where the music store was at, and knew the quickest way to get there. I took up position beside her at the front of the group, while the others hung back. We chatted about music what bands we were going to be searching for, and some of our favorite songs. Though while we talked, I felt a burning sensation on the back of my head, like someone was watching me.

When I turned around and looked back to check and see what might of been causing it, I found Uraraka staring back at me her eye's were narrowed in an almost accusing manner. " everything alright Uraraka?" I asked her.

Urarakas eye's widened as she realized she had been caught. "O-Oh, um yeah. I was just wondering when you and Jirou got so close?" She replied with a nervous chuckle.

I glanced back at Jirou, who was now looking at Uraraka as well. "Well, I found out that her and I had similar tastes in music, and we've just kind of connected through that." I replied with a small smile. I wasn't telling the full truth, but that wasn't something that Uraraka needed to know about right now.

Uraraka slowly nodded as she stared at the two of us. "Oh okay, I was just curious, that's all." She responded. She stared at us for a few more moments, before she went back to talking with Iida and Todoroki.

Only a few minutes had passed before we arrived at the music shop. The sign above the entrance of the shop said 'The Exclusive Company.' On it. 

The inside of the shop was filled with tables and racks that were filled with Cd's and records. There were sections for many different kinds of music, even one's that you couldn't normally find in big name brand stores. There was a lone man behind the counter at the front of the store, who waved at us when we walked inside, before he went back to scanning Cd's.

Everyone split off to the sections that they wanted to look at, Uraraka to the rap section, Iida to the pop section, and Todoroki to the jazz section. While Jirou and I walked over to the rock section together, and started looking through the selection that they had.

An Unlikely Connection (Jirou x Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now