{ 𝟏𝟎 }

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Shin didn't have to wait long before Oka came back. A week later, she was walking along into the school building with the rest of the occult club members following behind her like baby ducks.

Shin would've walked with them, but he had been walking in with Budo ever since he swore to protect him.

And besides, he knew Oka already understood. He told her, after all, of their secret relationship.


"Well... I'm just glad to see Shin so happy..."

Oka smiled, glancing at the two from behind. Suzuko smiled.

"Yes... he's been so much happier around Masuyama-San!"

Chojo smirked.

"I wonder if they're interested in each other..."

Oka nearly froze in place, her cheeks glowed red a bit. Supana noticed this and whacked the boy walking next to her. He recoiled with a yelp.

"Chojo! Now's not the time to talk of such!"

She scolded, and he whined a bit. Next to them, Kokuma and Daku laughed.

Oka smiled warmly.

"It's good to be back."

She hummed, and the group entered the school building. Shin and Budo following in shortly afterwards.


"Alright Budo. What's the deal with you and Higaonna-San?"

Shima questioned, sitting cross-legged on the tanned matts laid out in the martial arts club room.

Budo, who was finishing up a fight with Juku, stopped.

Within moments, he received a blow to the face, and was knocked over.


The members of the martial arts club exclaimed in surprise and in unison.

"You alright there?"

Juku questioned, extending a hand and helping the boy to his feet.

"Yeah I just... I got caught off guard by Shima's question..."

He laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh? Answer then!"

Shima teased, Mina lightly elbowed her partner.

"Easy on him, Shima. Lover boy's got his head up in the clouds~"

She smirked, Budo flushed a bright red.

"How did you-"

"Dude, we've known for a while now, don't try to hide it."

Sho explained. Budo shut his mouth instantly. Fearing the worst.

« 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘔𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭 »Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat