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"Ah, so you're finally back."

A voice hummed.

Shin smiled shyly and closed the door shut behind him.

He made his way to the dining room, where his mother was waiting at the table, glass of wine in one hand.

Shin pulled up a chair beside her.

"How was your day?"

The usual question. She asked every night upon his arrival home.

Shin didn't mind this. He loved it in fact. He knew she'd always listen no matter how long or short his recap of the day would be.

Shin explained most of his activities, purposely avoiding the bullying of the day and how he almost killed himself.

Like Oka, he feared having her worry for him even more.

Shin had always been a frail boy growing up. His mother lived in constant worry. She'd blame herself if she found out what he had attempted.

So he kept it to himself. It was in her best interest, he thought.

He did however, explain how Budo had took him to his house for a bit, earning a big smile from his mother.

"That's wonderful!"

She chirped, free hand moving from holding her chin to cup one of his cheeks and run her thumb over it.

"I'm glad you have more friends now..."

She whispered softly. Like with Budo, the boy pressed his face into his mother's warm hand, closing his eyes.

She took her last sip from her wine glass and set it in the kitchen. Shin always knew she drank, though it was always in moderation.

She would never lay a hand on him or hurt him, she truly loved him and wanted to care for him to the best of her ability.

His father on the other hand... could not have the same said for him.

Always out, always drunk, always cheating.

As a boy, Shin was often tormented with the fact his father was indeed, homophobic. He had come out to his mother years before. But when his father found out...

"Are you hungry, sweetheart? Want me to make you anything?"

His mother's voice ran out from across the room. Shin opened his eyes, seeing her head popped out from behind the wall. Shin nodded quickly and she disappeared.

With a sigh, Shin hunched back against the chair, waiting for his mother to return.


"Have a good day, I love you."

She hummed, kissing his cheek as he set off for school the next morning. Shin blushed.

"Love you too, I promise I'll be home earlier."

He mumbled, then started to walk.



Budo chimed, practically bouncing toward the other boy.

"Oh, Masuyama-San..."

He mumbled, averting his eyes as he placed his belongings in his locker.

"What brings you here?"

Shin asked softly, walking slowly to his club room. To his surprise, Budo followed.

"Teach me about the occult club! I told ya I was interested... and I wanna know more!"

He exclaimed, Shin nodded, leading him to his safe place.

As they walked, they passed Musume, and Shin could almost feel her cruel gaze on him.

A soft snicker was heard behind them, and while Shin just ignored it and moved forward, Budo snapped his head back and glared at her.

She backed up a bit, startled by how the martial arts club leader suddenly snapped.

Budo then turned and followed Shin into the club room.


"I should've said this before but... thank you..."

Shin whispered, Budo nearly dropped the ritual dagger in his hands.

His eyes blew wide, and he stared back up at Shin, who was crouched down on the floor next to him.

"You're welcome."

Budo replied, blush dusting his cheeks. Shin laughed.

"W-what? What's so funny?"

Budo questioned, pouting and crossing his arms. Shin took the blade from him and gently placed it back in the table.

"I never expected you to me the blushing type..."

"No I'm not!"

Budo objected. Shin turned to face him, smug smile on his face.

"You so are."

He shot back. Budo's pout grew, though he felt a bit better inside witnessing Shin smiling so unapologetically.

"Fine fine... maybe I am..."

The martial arts club leader admitted, his blush only growing.

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