dream i had

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The dream I had wasn't results related, it was just freaky. Basically I was apart of this murder mystery Case, and we were trying to find out who the murder was.

I started to suspect in the dream that it was my parents, since all the evidence pointed to them, but I denied it at first, didn't want to believe it.

A little while near the end of the dream I saw my parents wearing clothes with blood on them,and they were next to the dead body (person that was killed) I tried asking them about it but they denied it and said 'don't worry.'
Thats when I realized my parents were murderers. I became terrified and started sprinting away from them, cause I was scared I was gonna be next.
Then I did the most freakiest thing I might never do again.

I was sprinting towards a window, I didn't want a dead end, so I ran through and broke the window leading to the outside. Even my thought process at that time was 'am i really about to do this?' But I did it anyway, I was on the second story, so I grabbed onto the curtains (that were outside fsr) and climbed to the third window on the same story, after that I jumped down and started sprinting away. Thats when the dream ended.

So that was freaky.

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