Various Junior Prompts

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"You need to watch where you're going you stupid cat girl. Man, it's been like what? Only a few years since you left." The southern accent caught her attention. Oh god it couldn't be.

She looked up to see Junior standing over her with a smirk. "How the fuck do you remember me?! Every damn time I leave a world, no one remembers me! So how?"

He knelt down, leaning closer to her face. "I told you didn't I? I wouldn't forget you. No matter how many crazy looks I got from my gang and the rest of the city talking about you and the monsters, I still remembered you."


Situation: Silent accidentally walks in on Junior who is in his underwear. Silents reaction.

Silent had been staying at the Mamas Boys hideout for a couple of days because of some stupid Neoclassical Drakes that had been terrorizing the Robo Roundup Event. Truth be told that she had never seen the inside of their base before. It was a little confusing because of the so many wrecked robots and parts strewn around the area. Undoubtedly, she was lost.

She had come by to warn the boys that another Garage Wolf had been spotted in the holding pens for the robots, and while she was on the way, one of their security robots hassled her and told her the way to the lounge where they supposedly were. She was following the directions for a good while now.

She heard talking and movement behind one of the doors. "Oh my god, I finally found it. When I see that robot again, I'll dismantle him!" She growled, opening the door. She didn't bother knocking because she was used to anything now. "Hey I just came by to warn you...."

Junior apparently was getting dressed again, thankfully he was in his underwear. His skin was moist and looked like he just got out of the shower. A towel was around his neck as he looked over at the door to see the cat girl. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking? Jeez, even my brothers have the decency to knock every once in a while."

Silent stopped moving as her face went up in a flurry of red hues. She wasn't expecting to see a half naked dude as soon as she opened the door. "Um... Uh... I..." She had stuttered out.

"What?" He noticed her cat ears and tail popped out, and her face was reddening like she had a fever of some sorts. "You alright? You seem... Oh... Like what you see?" He smirked, flexing himself and then walking closer to Silent.

Silents mind went blank as she closed the door, locking it with as many things as she could find. She walked off grumbling, "I'll tell him later."


Drunk Junior

"Silent, you beu...tiful. I love juju soo much. Come on, let's go to bed together and embrace our bodies together Yee-hawww!"

Silent stared at the drunken gang leader giggling at her at Antonios. She felt embarrassed as his brothers kept laughing, and Texas was crying.

Code was cracking up. "Pffft. Silent your lover boy is wanting some attention." In which he received a powerful punch to the stomach from Silent.

She pushed him away, "Uh you're drunk Junior. Go home or something. Seriously I'll kick your ass if you touch me." Truth be told she was flustered, and it took everything in her to not run away.


Junior and Silent, 26

Silent decided to look for something to give to herself because it was secretly her birthday. She had told no one in Deluxe or down in Motorcity about her personal life. Maybe ROTH, but he wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it.

She was searching through all junkyards, using her powers to pick things up out of the way. Fought a few Noise that jumped out and some Kanebots. She had found something cool, but it was covered underneath a lot of rubble. "Ah shit..." She looked around to see if anyone was there as she activated her darkness to an extreme force.

In a matter of seconds, she unearthed a huge zoid looking machine. She was satisfied. "Holy shit I found a Death Stinger." It resembled the scorpion model of the Zoids. She doodled a little robot to keep track of the area and hide it, as well as fix it. She'll give it to Dutch.

"HEY! CAT FREAK! I KNOW YOURE HERE. COME OUT. I GOT SOMETHING FOR YA." The southern loud annoying accent startled her.

She growled, climbing out of the scraps to see the leader of the Mamas Boys, Junior, holding something while standing next to his car. "WHAT? IF ITS ANOTHER PRANK ILL KILL YOU." She transformed into her cat form, quickly navigating through the metal and whatnot. She transformed back and glared at the boy.

Junior still didn't like how she was able to turn into a cat. It still freaked him out. "Happy birthday." He shoved a medium wrapped box into her hands.

Silent was confused. "How did you know?" Did Junior hurt ROTH? Roth wouldn't tell on her even if so....would he? She started unwrapping the box slowly. If another jump spider was in it, she was gonna strangle him.

"Heard that weird bird demon friend of yours mention it." He replied, a grin on his face.

"Code... That traitor, I'll kill him." She hissed, unwrapping it and started to open it. As soon as she did, she saw a small robotic cat playing around the box. It looked up at her and mewed. She was shocked a bit. She expected a prank. It was unlike him to be nice.

"Made the baby myself. Don't worry there's no exploding kitten. It's a pet." He pointed to himself, smiling sincerely.

Silent smiled a kind smile, picking up the kitten. "Thanks." She closed her eyes, cuddling the little sleek robotic kitten.


Junior and Silent, 37

Everyone was celebrating for the Burners saving Motorcity once again. Kane had tried to nuke it regardless of the people living in the area. Due to Julie warning Mike of the situation, everything was saved from the maniac Deluxian leader.

There was a party for everyone at Antonios. Julie invited Silent and her guardians to the party because Silent was a long time buddy of the burners, and she helped out with the random monsters that attacked.

Everyone was dancing and having a good time except for the Noise Hunter. Silent didn't like parties all to much. So she stayed outside, listening to her music.

She felt someone tap her shoulder, which startled her a bit as her cat ears and tail popped out in reflex. She took out one earphone and looked to the stranger. "Yes?"

It was none other than the leader of the Mamas Boys, the shortie freckled hick, Junior. He rarely talked to her or much of anything. "Care to dance?" He asked randomly.

Silent blinked a bit before raising her eyebrow. "Wait you talking to me? Um... I don't uh... Go ask Foxy." She looked away.

Junior crossed his arms, "Yes I'm talking to you. Already asked every gal here except you. Gotta at least try. So you gonna dance or not?"

Silent sighed, "I don't dance. Mainly because I don't know how to dance." She muttered the last part, but Junior had heard it.

"You don't have to know how to dance. Just move." He replied, setting his sight on getting this girl to dance. There was something about her that confused him to no ends, and he wanted to find out what it was.

"I said no. I only do DDR which I doubt anyone has." She replied.

"You mean that Dance Dance Revolution game? We got that at our hideout. I'm a pro. You wanna see my moves?"

Silents eyes glittered, "Yes! I mean I'll kick your ass in DDR." She smirked. Maybe today was good.


"Who you callin' short? I'm all big baby!" - Junior

Silent giggled, "You're an inch shorter than me dude. I can call you short if I want."

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