Admins Wanted

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So, you want to be an admin? 


First, make sure you are well acquainted with our Inner Workings chapter. Then you simply comment on this page that you would like to be an admin and we will PM you our Discord link.

Admins MUST be a part of our Discord server. This way we can easily reach you. Plus, this is where we will conduct interviews

Admin Duties

Checking member comments

Checking comments for quality and star-worthy feedback

Staying in contact with founders

Possibly messaging members warning or reminders

(Also keep in mind, if you participate in the rounds you will most likely be placed in charge of the group you read in or if you are put in charge of a different group, you will be moved to that group. This means there is a chance you will be reading genres that you once listed as non-preferred genres. Granted we will try to still keep you with similar books as best we can.)

Please make sure you can handle all of this before applying.

Please make sure you can handle all of this before applying

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